Hail: Freeh Ramalli
Tunnel herd of camels exceeded numbering 22 upside yesterday, in Hail, north of the kingdom, while the owner of the camel reported that the cause of the injury may be a virus Corona. And embarked on several government agencies, including a branch of the Ministry of Agriculture in the region to determine the causes of mortality. The Hail did not register yet any injuries Corona disease among humans. For his part, said the owner of the herd rather leisurely Rashidi's "home": he was surprised Bnfogaha this way fast, where he found dead inside his barn and next, making it a province police Salimi in agriculture and allied branch. Rashidi added that it is likely the cause of death for the beauty of being infected with Corona, pointing out that the camel was not hit by any disease, and it takes care of the daily did not notice any change in them, and stressed that he was drinking milk on a daily basis. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alwatan.com.sa%2FDefault.aspx%3Fissueno%3D4978
Tunnel herd of camels exceeded numbering 22 upside yesterday, in Hail, north of the kingdom, while the owner of the camel reported that the cause of the injury may be a virus Corona. And embarked on several government agencies, including a branch of the Ministry of Agriculture in the region to determine the causes of mortality. The Hail did not register yet any injuries Corona disease among humans. For his part, said the owner of the herd rather leisurely Rashidi's "home": he was surprised Bnfogaha this way fast, where he found dead inside his barn and next, making it a province police Salimi in agriculture and allied branch. Rashidi added that it is likely the cause of death for the beauty of being infected with Corona, pointing out that the camel was not hit by any disease, and it takes care of the daily did not notice any change in them, and stressed that he was drinking milk on a daily basis. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alwatan.com.sa%2FDefault.aspx%3Fissueno%3D4978