Air conditioners may transfer corona virus
»» Rely on air circulation inside the cabin .. specialist for the day:
Air crashes aircraft transmits the virus «Corona»
25/05/2014 - 03:05:00
Revealed a specialist in the field of aeronautical engineering for "Today" that the civil aircraft depends on the principle of recycling cab air and pump adapted, so as to relieve the load on the engine, pointing to the high probability of transmission of HIV syndrome Middle East respiratory "Corona" when crashes HVAC systems in the plane.

"The air is withdrawn from the Shabak button below along both sides of the cab (a place to sit next to the window under the left foot for« Wright »grille that extends along the cab, which pulls cab air in preparation for recycling), where the air is pulled through the clamp mentioned in point No. 3 , and passes on the filter is called the HEPA Filter and which purifies the air of impurities and even bacteria, viruses, micro, which up to 0.01 microns, and this of course includes avian influenza viruses and virus Corona, for illustration only HEPA means High Efficiency Particulate Air or filter The high efficiency of objects infinitesimal.
And about the possibility of injury if McCann is possible if someone is sick in the aircraft cabin, said: "I believe as possible if the pressure generated by the leaching high and exceeds the mechanical air intake, which is below and brought the spray to a remote location, especially if you do not cover the patient's nose or mouth, But thanks to God remain probabilistic weaker than the place is closed and there is no drag and recycling of air as it is located by plane (small room, bus, etc. ....), as the probability of infection of course very high in the plane in my opinion if the air conditioning system to hang.
The virus Corona covers a wide range of types of viruses that can cause colds, and in some cases can cause a syndrome of acute respiratory infections (SARS), and in most cases of infection with this virus the symptoms are similar, such as high fever, body aches, sore throat, and was nominated and cough, and in most cases these symptoms persist for two days and then disappear.
The Ministry of Health with the World Health Organization to find out more medical information about this virus, and include ways of transmission of types (Corona) other influenza in general include: direct transmission through droplets from the patient during coughing or sneezing, and the transition is direct through touching surfaces and objects contaminated with the virus, and then touching their mouth or nose or eye, and direct contact with the patients, and the possibility of transmission through infected camels and bats. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alyaum.com%2FNews%2Fart%2F141331.html