Tuesday 2014/05/20

Health Minister-designate Adel Faqih
Health Minister-designate Adel Faqih that contain the Corona virus that
causes respiratory syndrome Middle East comes on top of the priorities
of the Ministry of Health.
This came during his speech at the meeting of Ministers of Health of
the Middle East countries on the sidelines of the meeting of officials
and leaders of the World Health within the framework of the
sixty-seventh meeting of the World Health Assembly in Geneva today.
Said Fakih: "The containment of the virus which is what we are working
with our partners from international organizations and institutions as
well as experts of research and medicine from inside and outside the
Kingdom, we also coordinate daily with the World Health Organization to
ensure that the exchange of the latest results, information and best
practices with all parties concerned with these international efforts ".
He added that the main priorities in the Kingdom is the prevention of
infection, where the ministry to establish a center of operations to be
the main supporter of the ministry's efforts, in addition to the
formation of a medical team for the quick response, and the development
of protocols and guidelines updated to prevent infection and control,
and to require all health care facilities in the Kingdom to apply
strictly . http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alriyadh.com%2Fnews