Political and security deputy governor of Kerman, Kerman, expressing
regret over the death of a 53 year old lady on Corona disease, stating:
Special care should be taken to prevent the repetition of such events.
Political and security deputy governor of Kerman, Kerman, expressing
regret over the death of a woman due to illness Corona, said the
outbreak is controlled with the cooperation of the people in the
In an interview with journalist Hamid Zkaasdy Tasnim, pointed out that
the provincial network and media work to prevent the outbreak started in
Kerman Corona, declared the entire medical advice Astanyha are
requested to remain calm in order to prevent infection to prevent
He certainly Kerman University of Medical Sciences has adopted the necessary measures to control the disease.
Political and security deputy governor of Kerman, Kerman, expressing regret over the death of a 53 year old lady on Corona disease, stating: Special care should be taken to prevent the repetition of such events.
Zkaasdy warning passengers to the Persian Gulf, said that all people who wish to travel to these countries, they are advised to observe all health so there is not a trip for himself and his problem.
He pointed out that according to Kerman University of Medical Sciences have any symptoms of colds and flu symptoms, not the disease corona and people need to see a doctor in comfort.
A 53-year-old woman this morning due to illness Corona Kirmani lost their lives, and this wave of anxiety among the people of the province have created. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.donya-e-eqtesad.com/news/805451/&usg=ALkJrhhJfd_Qm88I8Q83-L7qqPshtYNbuw