"Al-Ahsa Today" - Al-Ahsa
Forced plane belonging to the Saudi Arabian Airlines, today, to make an
emergency landing at the airport in Geneva, after about seven hours on
takeoff from the airport and Washington, in order to aid a Saudi citizen
was on board.
He said one of the passengers, "the flight crew asked whether it was
among the passengers, a doctor for an ambulance riding, and when there
was no doctor on the flight; forced the commander of the plane, a Boeing
777, and Flight 036, to make an emergency landing at the airport in
"The plane stayed about three hours at the airport in Geneva, where the
passenger disembarked, the plane took off and then to King Abdulaziz
International Airport in Jeddah, which reached a little while ago." http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.hasatoday.com/53330&usg=ALkJrhgUg_1FIDlpEhHWNYkP_VsxL9bfXg