Kerman - IRNA - Chief of Medical Sciences, Kerman said corona virus was the first person in Kerman, a few days after being placed under intensive care, died Thursday.

In this regard, AA Haghdoost in an interview with IRNA said about the
53-year-old female patient was hospitalized for a few days and ill was
that the do all the things to the disease, Thursday died.
He continued safety of the patient along with the disease due to chronic illness, was unable to fight the virus.
Copyright friend, a small percentage of people infected and dangerous kind of one percent of them had a bad encounter, and now there is no medication for this condition with poor physical condition.
Chief of Medical Sciences, Kerman, he died around this person have any concern about HIV transmission during burial ceremonies are not because it does not cause any problems.
He added that he was also the sister of the patient was also suffering from Corona and after a few days in the hospital, was released, there is no problem for him to communicate with those around him.
Kerman Double Corona and four suspected cases of the virus have been hospitalized individuals with an infected person died and another was improved released from the hospital.
Corona virus, common cold virus, which is part of the first cases of the virus in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf Arabic countries has been observed.
The virus can be triggered by mild respiratory signs and diarrhea to severe respiratory symptoms continue, eventually leading to admission to a hospital or person in a timely, the person may cardiac diseases visit the respiratory, Diabetes and Hypertension with, and can lead to death of people. K / 3
He continued safety of the patient along with the disease due to chronic illness, was unable to fight the virus.
Copyright friend, a small percentage of people infected and dangerous kind of one percent of them had a bad encounter, and now there is no medication for this condition with poor physical condition.
Chief of Medical Sciences, Kerman, he died around this person have any concern about HIV transmission during burial ceremonies are not because it does not cause any problems.
He added that he was also the sister of the patient was also suffering from Corona and after a few days in the hospital, was released, there is no problem for him to communicate with those around him.
Kerman Double Corona and four suspected cases of the virus have been hospitalized individuals with an infected person died and another was improved released from the hospital.
Corona virus, common cold virus, which is part of the first cases of the virus in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf Arabic countries has been observed.
The virus can be triggered by mild respiratory signs and diarrhea to severe respiratory symptoms continue, eventually leading to admission to a hospital or person in a timely, the person may cardiac diseases visit the respiratory, Diabetes and Hypertension with, and can lead to death of people. K / 3