
Sunday, February 24, 2013

10 Days grace is now 4

Disease reporting follows the MSM path to conformity 
Lately Disease reporting has fallen to the wayside of  complicity and conformity. Gone are the days of real investigations into outbreaks of new and killer diseases. You can still find a few people in asia that are actually reporting some news, but again, that is heavily censored. Very few are putting their ass on the line to bring you anything short of the official word. Nowadays, most reporters are happy to
mouth the official word of gov'ts and a few scientists or small time health officials.

When blogging about flu or other emerging diseases, it looks like most are happy to swallow the daily swill. Like the main television news corporations or newspapers, the same story is repeated over and over, with a slightly different wording' like this is going to make it a new report.
 In fact, if it is not dribbled out the mouth of a low ranking gov't official, it never happened.  
Where are all the real "boots on the ground" reporters?
 I can only think of a small handful of people that actually search and machine translate any worthwhile
news. Enjoy this while you can.  If you have to wait around for an English report about a foreign event, you are already 2 days behind. In fact it is not unusual to not even see it reported in any English speaking paper or an English speaking t.v. tube..EVER. I can watch the MSM news right now and see a breaking story that is 2 days old or better.
This does not pertain to disease news exclusively, oh no, everything you are seeing on CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any of the other broadcast news stations are only telling you what they are paid to tell you.
In the case of disease news, they and the gov't are doing all they can, to NEVER mention an outbreak of a serious disease, much less keep you informed about the latest information on it.
 Go to the CDC website right now and look at the date on the novel coronavirus page. Finally updated

Go to the Who avian influenza updated 1 time a month. Go to the Saudi Arabia U.S. EMBASSY and type in CORONAVIRUS. Maybe try your luck at the Cambodia Embassy page. Look for a travel alert,or an updated avian influenza page. At least 8 or 9 infected and 7 dead in a few weeks time. Ever see that metioned on tv? Or at the CDC Travel site?

Instead we find a bunch of half truths, false information or no mention at all of said disease outbreaks.. Where are the reporters talking about that!?
 When the real outbreaks and problems are upon us, YOU WILL BE STUCK LIKE A PIG. Wondering to yourself "What is it?", "Where did it come from?","What do I do now?"
You can then look at your own gov't officials, your own media, and your own children, and tell them you trusted the health authorities and news reporters to keep you informed with timely information. WHY didn't they?