
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dead "Swan" cause panic in Fayoum and Wadi

Caused "swan" found dead in the panic among the people of the area of ​​Wadi Rayan in Fayoum and visitors in the area for fear of being infected with bird flu, especially as they of migratory birds that escape from the cold in Europe to warmth in lakes Karun and Wadi Rayan in Fayoum like "Ahawaar and Azaauwayt and granite and Alhurcar "and other birds.

The management of protected natural area of ​​Wadi Rayan inform public prosecutor at the center of Obcoay which decided the reservation to "Swan" dead, and ordered the formation of a committee of veterinary medicine for autopsy and sampled and tested experimentally to indicate whether carrying the bird flu virus or not.