Terminated year, Continuing Study of Bird Flu
Was halted for fear of causing acts of bioterrorism, global studies on avian influenza virus continues to understand this more deeply.
Officers at Bali oversee culling to prevent the spread of bird flu
. (LONDON - Scientists around the world, on Wednesday (24/1) announced the end of a moratorium on studies of mutant forms of deadly H5N1 bird flu that has caused concern internationally.
announcement of the decision to continue through what they call risk, but important study, scientists say. This study will be continued in places that are very safe in countries that agreed to do so. means that this study will resume in laboratories in the Netherlands and other countries, but not in the U.S. or other research centers funded by the United , because it is still waiting for your safety and security there. Scientists voluntarily halt H5N1 transmission research last year for fear that information about how the growth of harmful viruses can be utilized acts of bioterrorism. flu experts said they are aware of this fear and strive ease, and felt it was time to continue the research. They say the study is important to get a thorough understanding of H5N1, which many fear could one day lead to a pandemic deadly to the human race. "We want the world to be better prepared than now if the H5N1 pandemic appears," said Yoshihiro Kawaoka of Tokyo University, the principal investigator bird flu.... http://www.voaindonesia.com/content/dihentikan-setahun-studi-flu-burung-dilanjutkan/1589897.html