Isolation measures in the Hospital de Alcorcón
Staff attended Alcorcón Hospital Auxiliary Ebola infected unprotected
Posted By: Journal Nurse Posted date: In: Health
"The girl has also started with diarrhea. Girls confirmed, I shit on the bitch, to the Carlos III. I have the knuckle. It's positive. "
So the hospital nurses Alcorcon found out, a group of whatssap, that
the case of the nurse's aide admitted to your hospital was positive for
Until then, I had only been isolated with a screen and a couple of
tapes and the staff has been caring without any protection, as has been
confirmed in conversations with DAILY NURSE nurses Hospital Alcorcón.
"Before joining Hospital Alcorcón, this auxiliary went straight to the
hospital Carlos III, but there's attended, told him to go to his local
hospital and if tested positive again. They were here and there. At first the patient was at Carlos III but referred to his hospital. That was Sunday. A few days before he had gone to the health center. " It is the information that the hospital staff has earned the environment nursing assistant.
And yet, when they enter the hospital only Alcorcón was isolated through a screen. "No, we are not prepared." "It was like that for hours," claiming nurses, until the case is confirmed. Neither the medical personnel who treated her at the Madrid hospital has employed any individual biosecurity suit. Only one nurse used a mask to enter your room.
The only precaution that has been taken has been to call the guards who
have been in contact with her for the morning transfer to the hospital
Carlos III. Staff that is not having any type of protocol or monitoring. "They have gone home no more. They only told that the temperature was taken. We are crazy. " It is the reaction of fellow Alcorcón not explained what's going on. In fact they have already called the concentration at the hospital doors for accountability.
Active Protocol
From the direction of Nursing Hospital Alcorcón have declined to comment on Nurse Journal.
Since its communication department have just confirmed that "the
protocol is still active, the hospital is working normally and
emergencies have not been closed." Protocol that center staff claims not to know, because nobody has informed them on how to proceed. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdiarioenfermero.es%2Fel-personal-del-hospital-de-alcorcon-atendio-la-auxiliar-infectada-por-ebola-sin-proteccion%2F&edit-text=