Mandatory detention goes beyond White House stance
Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks at the sixth annual “Washington Ideas
Forum” in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014. Hagel has approved a
recommendation by military leaders that all U.S. troops returning from
Ebola response missions in West Africa be kept ... more >
By Maggie Ybarra -
The Washington Times -
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Going beyond the White House’s recommendations, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
Wednesday approved a mandatory 21-day quarantine for all military
members who return to U.S. military bases after participating in an
anti-Ebola operation in West Africa. Mr. Hagel
and the Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed Wednesday morning that all
military personnel participating in Operation United Assistance must
enter the three-week controlled monitoring program, according to
Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby.