UPA in Cascavel, Paraná, is interdicted after suspected ebola
The Health Ministry confirmed to the Mail that "suspected virus in the country"
Published: 09/10/2014 22:56 Updated: 10/09/2014 23:47
An Emergency Unit (APU) in Cascavel, Paraná, was banned late on Thursday (9/10) after a man being hospitalized with suspected Ebola. The Ministry of Health sent a team to the city, through the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), which coordinate in situ measures of care and to identify possible contacts for guidance and control.
According to the Ministry of Health, it is a man, aged 47, from Guinea (scale in Morocco), country of origin, who arrived in Brazil on September 19. He reported that he had a fever for three days to decide to seek care. Also according to the ministry, until the early evening, the patient had no bleeding, vomiting or other symptoms.
The patient will be transferred as security protocol for the National Institute of Infectious Evandro Chagas in Rio de Janeiro, national reference for cases of Ebola. The transfer will be made by aircraft from the Federal Highway Police.
The MS reported that, by being in the twenty-first day, to the maximum incubation period of the disease, cases were considered suspect, following international protocols for the disease. "Guinea is one of three countries that concentrate the outbreak of the disease in Africa. Ebola is transmitted only through contact with blood, tissues or bodily fluids of sick individuals, or by contact with contaminated objects and surfaces. The virus is only transmitted when symptoms arise, "he explained in a statement.
The Health Ministry confirmed to the Mail that "suspected virus in the country"
Published: 09/10/2014 22:56 Updated: 10/09/2014 23:47
An Emergency Unit (APU) in Cascavel, Paraná, was banned late on Thursday (9/10) after a man being hospitalized with suspected Ebola. The Ministry of Health sent a team to the city, through the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), which coordinate in situ measures of care and to identify possible contacts for guidance and control.
According to the Ministry of Health, it is a man, aged 47, from Guinea (scale in Morocco), country of origin, who arrived in Brazil on September 19. He reported that he had a fever for three days to decide to seek care. Also according to the ministry, until the early evening, the patient had no bleeding, vomiting or other symptoms.
The patient will be transferred as security protocol for the National Institute of Infectious Evandro Chagas in Rio de Janeiro, national reference for cases of Ebola. The transfer will be made by aircraft from the Federal Highway Police.
The MS reported that, by being in the twenty-first day, to the maximum incubation period of the disease, cases were considered suspect, following international protocols for the disease. "Guinea is one of three countries that concentrate the outbreak of the disease in Africa. Ebola is transmitted only through contact with blood, tissues or bodily fluids of sick individuals, or by contact with contaminated objects and surfaces. The virus is only transmitted when symptoms arise, "he explained in a statement.