Belgium For the third time since the beginning of the epidemic Ebola, Belgium faces the possibility of Ebola case in its territory. The first two times eventually proved false alarms.
This time, according to our colleagues of the "Last Time", this is an
individual who has recently traveled to Guinea and returned to Belgium
in early October.
The man was admitted on Monday, 13 October, at the Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Saint-Pierre in Brussels after being caught fever. After undergoing a series of tests, it is now in quarantine in a special unit of the hospital. The first results are expected Wednesday night.
"There actually has a probable case Ebola in Belgium even if there is
more likelihood that it will eventually malaria," confirmed on Monday
afternoon Vinciane Charlier, the spokesman for the Federal Public
"This person came back in early October in Belgium and developed a fever this morning. There is a security procedure that exists for people returning from countries where Ebola is present. Hence this patient was followed and Monday was taken to St. Peter's. It is now in quarantine. "
For now little information is available on the "identity of the person and Vinciane Charlier explained that the FPS Health is itself looking information. At most, it can confirm that s' is not the same case that the false warning Ebola declared Sunday in the same hospital in Brussels. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lalibre.be%2Factu%2Fbelgique%2Fun-premier-cas-ebola-possible-a-bruxelles-543bf7d0357030e610466209&edit-text=
"This person came back in early October in Belgium and developed a fever this morning. There is a security procedure that exists for people returning from countries where Ebola is present. Hence this patient was followed and Monday was taken to St. Peter's. It is now in quarantine. "
For now little information is available on the "identity of the person and Vinciane Charlier explained that the FPS Health is itself looking information. At most, it can confirm that s' is not the same case that the false warning Ebola declared Sunday in the same hospital in Brussels. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lalibre.be%2Factu%2Fbelgique%2Fun-premier-cas-ebola-possible-a-bruxelles-543bf7d0357030e610466209&edit-text=