
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

UK-Two tested for deadly virus Ebola at Birmingham hospital-NEGATIVE

Two tested for deadly virus Ebola at Birmingham hospital

By Sutton Coldfield Observer | Posted: August 13, 2014

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A Birmingham hospital that is part of the same trust that runs Good Hope Hospital has tested two people for the deadly virus Ebola in the past 48 hours.
A Heartlands Hospital spokesperson has confirmed two people underwent tests but reassured the public they both tested negative for the virus and similar conditions. The spokesperson maintained there are no suspected cases at the hospital but they are working closely on work for situations should the virus arise.
“Two people have undergone routine tests at Birmingham’s Heartlands Hospital in the last 48 hours and tested negative for Ebola and similar imported conditions.We cannot disclose any further information about those cases due to patient confidentiality.
It is routine when dealing with patients showing certain symptoms who have recently travelled from particular countries for them to be assessed for imported conditions such as Ebola.

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