Ebola suspects’ blood samples sent to lab in India
- Published on Saturday, 30 August 2014 19:50

Passengers being tested for Ebola at
a ferry dock in Maungdaw, the entrance gate between Myanmar and
Bangladesh, seen on the last week of August (Photo - Win Maung/EMG)
Blood samples taken from a
Myanmar man suspected of possibly having Ebola – and four others said to
have had contact with him – were sent to a laboratory in Pune, in
India, on Friday, the Health Ministry has said.
Ministry officials said blood samples
from patient Zin Min Oo and four people who allegedly had contact with
him were sent in accordance with International Air Transport Association
standards for bio-safety, after initial difficulties in doing this were
The laboratory in India is recognized by
the World Health Organisation. The samples may be forwarded to the
Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta, in the US, and labs in Hamburg in
Germany, they said.
Zin Min Oo recently returned from West
Africa, which has been hit hard by a deadly Ebola outbreak, with a
fever. He was initially feared he may have Ebola, and he was put in a
unit in Weibergi Hospital.
But doctors have said he has recovered
from the fever and they have found no symptoms of the deadly disease –
on him, or the four who had contact with him. http://www.elevenmyanmar.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7376:ebola-suspects-blood-samples-sent-to-lab-in-india&catid=44:national&Itemid=384