Infected Margibians ‘Sneaking’ into Grand Bassa

Margibi and Bassa Counties share a common border, parts of which are porous (Google Maps image)
Infected Margibians ‘Sneaking’ into Grand Bassa
Thu, 08/28/2014 - 07:22
Bassa County Orders All Officers to Monitor Localities
Conscience N. Tequah (in Grand Bassa County)
Grand Bassa County local administration is alarmed about the increase
in deaths reported in towns bordering Margibi County, and has
quarantined several towns within its domain, where deaths have occurred.
Yet, still, the porous rural terrain does not prevent other towns from
danger as reports say infected people from Dolo’s Town in Margibi have
snuck into towns in rural Grand Bassa to avoid the quarantine imposed by
the Government of Liberia.
In a press conference held at the administrative building in Buchanan last week, the County Information Officer Eddie Williams said due to the close proximity of the other infected counties, Grand Bassa stands a high risk of infection.
Despite warnings by local authorities, people are circumventing the checkpoints that connect the two counties. The check point at Owensgrove has a health post to test travelers for high fever, a trait that suggests the presence of the Ebola virus.
At Owensgrove, Grand Bassa borders Margibi County, home to Dolo’s town, from where people have reportedly fled to rural parts of Grand Bassa by boat. Dolo’s Town is now under quarantine due to the high rate of Ebola infection there.
“Since those reports, there have been occurrences of strange deaths in villages and towns closer to Margibi County,” Williams said.
“In Gbarpleh Town, Bassa County for example, some 20 persons have died and were buried by the town’s people without informing the county authorities, though the cause of the deaths could not be confirmed.
“It was confirmed that of those 20 persons, 11 had come from Dolo’s Town. “In another town called Commission’s Town, there were six deaths reported; Quenweh Town, 2 deaths; Jacob Lateh Town 3 deaths, 1 confirmed of Ebola,” he explained.
Although many of the deaths reported have not been tested for Ebola, the rate at which they are happening
As a result the Grand Bassa county administration has ordered all local government officers to remain in their localities to monitor activities and number every hut within their respective areas.
“This will help them have a record and monitor the movements of citizens and visitors in and out of their districts, clans, towns and villages. There isn’t a possibility that everybody will be tested,” he stressed.
The County has also halted all market days and large public gatherings until further notice and vowed to prosecute violators.
“All officers, district elders and superintendents must report to health authorities about all illnesses and health problems. That is why we decided, as a county, that all local authorities remain in their localities,” he added.
According to Williams, towns with deaths reported have been quarantined, and will be fed by the County authority.
“As it regards the 3 nurses who came in contact with the Ebola Patient from Rivercess, the nurse who was showing signs and symptoms was taken to Monrovia for proper treatment where he was reported dead. We are keeping close watch with the other nurses in the quarantine unit.
Williams closed by admonishing people need to “be fully involved as a means of showing responsibility. Ebola does not discriminate amongst people. Citizens must be ready and willing to support and work with the task force. The force consists of Organizations and Groupings.”
In a press conference held at the administrative building in Buchanan last week, the County Information Officer Eddie Williams said due to the close proximity of the other infected counties, Grand Bassa stands a high risk of infection.
Despite warnings by local authorities, people are circumventing the checkpoints that connect the two counties. The check point at Owensgrove has a health post to test travelers for high fever, a trait that suggests the presence of the Ebola virus.
At Owensgrove, Grand Bassa borders Margibi County, home to Dolo’s town, from where people have reportedly fled to rural parts of Grand Bassa by boat. Dolo’s Town is now under quarantine due to the high rate of Ebola infection there.
“Since those reports, there have been occurrences of strange deaths in villages and towns closer to Margibi County,” Williams said.
“In Gbarpleh Town, Bassa County for example, some 20 persons have died and were buried by the town’s people without informing the county authorities, though the cause of the deaths could not be confirmed.
“It was confirmed that of those 20 persons, 11 had come from Dolo’s Town. “In another town called Commission’s Town, there were six deaths reported; Quenweh Town, 2 deaths; Jacob Lateh Town 3 deaths, 1 confirmed of Ebola,” he explained.
Although many of the deaths reported have not been tested for Ebola, the rate at which they are happening
As a result the Grand Bassa county administration has ordered all local government officers to remain in their localities to monitor activities and number every hut within their respective areas.
“This will help them have a record and monitor the movements of citizens and visitors in and out of their districts, clans, towns and villages. There isn’t a possibility that everybody will be tested,” he stressed.
The County has also halted all market days and large public gatherings until further notice and vowed to prosecute violators.
“All officers, district elders and superintendents must report to health authorities about all illnesses and health problems. That is why we decided, as a county, that all local authorities remain in their localities,” he added.
According to Williams, towns with deaths reported have been quarantined, and will be fed by the County authority.
“As it regards the 3 nurses who came in contact with the Ebola Patient from Rivercess, the nurse who was showing signs and symptoms was taken to Monrovia for proper treatment where he was reported dead. We are keeping close watch with the other nurses in the quarantine unit.
Williams closed by admonishing people need to “be fully involved as a means of showing responsibility. Ebola does not discriminate amongst people. Citizens must be ready and willing to support and work with the task force. The force consists of Organizations and Groupings.”