In answering to questions posed by the press, Dr. Keiji Fukundu who is the Director -General for Global Health Security in the WHO, said that in the WHO system, they have representatives in many countries and they rotate in and out and no one stays in one country for the duration of their career and particularly when they have a situation that is really intense, as it is very tiring to be at the front line as a commander when you are in the midst of a very difficult war, so they have made a rotation of Dr. Mufunda, as he needs a rest and relaxation in another country, as this is what they do on a normal basis.
The New Country Representative of WHO, Dr. Daniel Kertesz in his statement started by thanking all for coming and announced that he is the successor to Dr. Mafunda. He thanked the government for the strides that they have made so far in making sure that the disease is stopped and he said that this is not only Dr. Mufunda”s fight but also his fight, as he is the new country representative.
He said that he is very much looking forward to working with the UN family, the Government and all, in making sure that the disease is stopped, as this is an outbreak that has been here for some months and they will continue to rotate people, as and when the need arises, because when people are tired, they continue to make mistakes.
In answering to questions, Dr. David Nabarro who is the UN Ebola Response Coordinator disclosed that the health system and all it entails, is all what they need in this fight, after the outbreak, the process of getting a stronger health system will be in progress, as the country needs to strengthen its health system. For the next six months, it will not be business as usual, it will be putting all resources in making sure the disease is stopped
The effort to defeat Ebola is not a battle but a war that requires everybody working together effectively and hoped that it will be done in six months until the job is complete, as this is not just an issue for Sierra Leone but an issue for the world, as Sierra Leone had the best record of Economic and social development.
By Nancy Koroma
Tuesday August 26, 2014... http://awoko.org/2014/08/26/sierra-leone-news-who-gets-new-country-rep/