
Monday, August 11, 2014

The Pan American Health Organization calls on America prepare for Ebola

August 11, 2014
7:38 a.m. ET

The Pan American Health Organization calls on America prepare for Ebola

(CNNMĂ©xico) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) asked American countries monitor and be prepared for the possible arrival of the Ebola virus, which has caused hundreds of deaths in Africa and that has caught the alarms in other countries world.
The recommendation comes after the WHO Director-General Margaret Chan declared the outbreak in West Africa is a " public health emergency of international concern "(ESPII).
"Right now, all actions in America should be designed to prevent the establishment of local transmission to the eventual introduction of a possible imported case," said the director of the Department of Communicable Diseases and Health Analysis of PAHO / WHO Marcos Espinal.