Published On: Sat, Aug 23rd, 2014
Africa / Health | By NewsRescue
EBOLA: President Jonathan Sick, Flown To Hospital In Germany
Efforts to get a confirmation from the Presidency failed up until the time of going to press, as several calls to his spokesman, Dr Reuben Abati, did not go through and he didn’t respond to an email enquiry either.
Africa / Health | By NewsRescue
EBOLA: President Jonathan Sick, Flown To Hospital In Germany

- Panic over Ebola
- Nigeria’s health care system is kept in a deplorable state hence the affluent and government officials fly abroad for every headache or stomach upset
Efforts to get a confirmation from the Presidency failed up until the time of going to press, as several calls to his spokesman, Dr Reuben Abati, did not go through and he didn’t respond to an email enquiry either.