Gulfstream 3 spent about an hour on ground at BIA to resupply, refuel
UPDATED 11:59 AM EDT Aug 02, 2014

A Gulfstream 3 transporting one American infected
with Ebola stopped at the Bangor International Airport on Saturday for
refueling and supplies. The air ambulance was in transit from Libya to
Emory University in Georgia.
WABI TV-5 in Bangor and CNN report the Phoenix Air Gulfstream 3 landed in Maine just after 7:30 a.m. Saturday. It was the plane's first stop in the U.S. on its journey to Dobbins Air Force Base in Marietta, Georgia from Liberia, Africa, where two American aid workers were infected with the deadly disease.
The crew stepped off the aircraft to stretch their legs and receive what appeared to be medical supplies. The American on board worked in a Liberian hospital that treated Ebola patients.
The plane spent a little less than an hour on the ground before departing for Georgia.
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