Missionary contagious Ebola, Miguel Pajares, land in Madrid in the coming hours
- Posted on August 6, 2014
Predictably, transfer and isolated in the Hospital Carlos III or La Paz.
The missionary priest Miguel Pajares, infected by the Ebola virus will be transferred to Madrid in the coming hours. Thus, as has officially Ministry of Defence, the pastor will travel from Liberia on a medicalized aircraft
accompanied by a provision of effective health specialist medical
safety, as specified in his instructions to the World Health
Organization. This airplane will in the coming hours toward the African country since the Madrid suburb of Torrejon de Ardoz.
As has been made public, the decision to repatriate Miguel Pajares
was reached after a meeting between the Ministries of Defence, Interior
and Exterior. Starting Health, say the risk of infection is "very low".
Similarly, scheduled to land at the base of Torrejón de Ardoz in the
coming hours, where you will find a mobile ICU SUMMA and police patrol. Is expected to be transferred to the Hospital Carlos III or General Hospital Universitario La Paz. It is possible that Miguel Pajares isolate a plant. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Feldigitaldealcorcon.es%2Fel-misionero-contagiado-de-ebola-miguel-pajares-aterrizara-en-madrid-en-las-proximas-horas%2F&edit-text=