
Monday, August 11, 2014

A top public health expert said U.S. officials are not prepared for a possible Ebola outbreak and do not even want to plan for contingencies

Days after experts said an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. may be "inevitable," Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said, "there are just many things about this virus that we do not know and yet we are assuming that it is not going to affect us here."


Orient told host and Breitbart Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that there is currently "so much denial about" Ebola and, "we really do not know how serious it is." Orient said that there are, though, thousands of people from more than 100 different nations coming across the border "without any health screenings at all."

For instance, she said that the Center for Disease Control says that Ebola cannot be transferred in the air but Canada's health authorities believe it "could be transmitted via aerosol." In addition, she said "one man infected his wife 82 days after he recovered from it, and she died." Orient said "we don't even know if it is contagious before the person becomes sicks."

"I don't think that hospitals are prepared," she added.

She cited "limited isolation facilities" and physicians who are "not aware about what to look for." Doctors, she said, "are not being told you need to do a careful travel history or a contact history of people coming in" who have flu-like symptoms.

Orient also said that the "CDC talks to different stories." She said their message to the population is essentially, "it's not very contagious, don't worry." But when they transport a patient with Ebola, "they are wearing a spacesuit," she said.

The whole article is worth the read:
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