The situation is becoming increasingly critical in West Africa where the Ebola virus wreaked havoc since March. The French community seems protected, but the local people lack information.
Appeared in March in West Africa, the epidemic of Ebola virus continues
to spread in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia and has already 337 dead
according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The situation is unique because of the number of victims, the total
number of cases, which is 528 at the moment, and the geographic extent
"The epidemic is out of control, worries Dr. Bart Janssens, director of operations for Médecins Sans Frontières. With new outbreaks in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the risk of spread to other areas is now real. "
But the multiplication of affected areas makes it difficult to care for patients and control of the epidemic. MSF beautiful do everything possible to stop the epidemic, its human and material resources are limited.
"WHO, the authorities of the affected countries and neighboring
countries should make efforts to match the scale of the epidemic, says
Dr. Janssens.
This includes making available trained medical staff, provide training
to support the Ebola and intensify monitoring contacts and outreach to
populations. "
Panic among the French
Because despite more than three months of crisis, viruses and modes of contamination are often little known inhabitants. The infection is spread by direct contact with blood, body fluids or tissues of infected humans or animals.
And during an outbreak, more exposed to infection are health workers,
their families and people in close contact with sick or deceased
Infections in three countries take place in particular and increasingly during funeral rites practiced by local populations.
During these rituals, many relatives of the deceased are brought to
touch his body, causing widespread infection of all those present.
In this context, the French population present on site, estimated at about 2,000 people, trying to stay calm.
"It is true that there has first been a panic in March at the beginning
of the epidemic because all we have in mind horrific images when you
think of Ebola recognizes Henri Ledoux, the representative of the Union
of French abroad on site.
But the Embassy of France quickly organized a large briefing during
which doctors explained how the disease is transmitted and the
precautionary measures to be taken. From there, people were quite reassured. "
The Embassy of France in Guinea very reactive
The Embassy in Conakry was indeed very reactive with the problem. In addition to the information to the French community, it has supported the authorities of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Missions and consulting have been implemented in the field of public
health, a grant of 150,000 euros was given to the French Red Cross
on-site medical equipment were delivered in Guinea and Pasteur Institute
of Dakar based detection capabilities and viral analysis, accompanied
by a team of emergency cell of the Pasteur Institute of Paris biological
The Embassy also supports the efforts of WHO and MSF and strengthened
airport systems (information, training, equipment such as cranes thermal
"The embassy information and plays its role in supporting local
government dispatching including doctors on site, said Henri Ledoux. From our side, LEU, it relays the information daily from our members. "
As might be expected, no French cases have been reported among patients listed.
Everyday life has also been upset since the French school has not
closed and that all services of the Embassy function normally.
Care of the problem has however not been as exemplary at the Guinean state.
A real recognition of the magnitude of the epidemic by civil society,
political and religious authorities, is still lacking, sorry MSF, who
notes that very few influential personalities have made the message
relay supporting the fight against the disease .
But the problem now affects the entire West African region.
Without an exceptional mobilization of the governments of the countries
concerned, as well as all aid agencies, the risk of the outbreak of
Ebola virus persist is real.
Credit card: Médecins Sans Frontières
Published on 06/28/2014 http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tamtamguinee.com%2Ffichiers%2Flivre12-999.php%3Flangue%3Dfr%26type%3Drub24%26code%3Dcalb26602%26num%3D |