Saturday, June 28, 2014 by

Sierra Leone announced Friday the award of 8 billion leones (about 1.32 million euros) in the fight against the epidemic of haemorrhagic fever in large part due to Ebola has done since the beginning of the year nearly 400 dead in three West African countries.
This funding is for the awareness and prevention of the epidemic, but also logistical needs of the teams deployed in the context of the fight, told AFP an official of Sierra Leone Ministry of Health, Abubakarr Kamara.
According to him, the amount will in particular make-to-door and mobilize stakeholders in all districts affected by the epidemic.
It will also help in the management of medical and logistical equipment, including the purchase of necessary for the protection of personnel in contact with living patients or responsible for the burial of deceased patients, as well as looking for people who have been in contact with suspected cases.
This brings to 14 billion leones (2.31 million) funding from the government of Sierra Leone in the fight against Ebola, according to a source at the Ministry of Finance.
The epidemic affects Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. According to a toll released Thursday by the World Health Organization (WHO), these three neighboring countries account since the beginning of the year 635 cases of hemorrhagic fever (a little more than half of the cases were confirmed by analysis as being due to Ebola virus), including 399 deaths.
According to the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone recorded since early March 338 cases of hemorrhagic fever which 179 were tested positive for Ebola virus and causing 49 deaths. The same source, 18 people survived and healed, left the hospital in Kenema (East). 51 patients are still admitted in the hospital.
Kenema and Kailahun (east) are among the most affected by the epidemic.
From June 13 until further notice, schools Kailahun district are closed and public gatherings banned by the government.
According to residents, the fear of Ebola has pushed people to reduce their travel there and avoid physical contact to a minimum.
In Liberia, the government warned Friday against persons claiming to cure Ebola by spiritual or religious rituals.
"In this country, we have + spiritual healers + or pastors who say they can cure all diseases" in "the + spiritual centers +" installed "in Monrovia and its environs. They claim to have the solutions to all problems. Three of these + + healers have died of Ebola, "said the Deputy Minister of Health, Tolbert Nyensuah, national radio, without specifying where and when.
Through their actions and through their "+ + centers", these individuals "create many difficulties in the fight against the Ebola virus" and contribute to its spread. "We ask people to go to the hospital in case of illness, instead of going to these centers + +. (...) The situation is deteriorating with the many cases that have been recorded in a very short time" in the country, said the deputy minister.
According to WHO, until Thursday, 63 cases of hemorrhagic fever (41 deaths) were recorded in Liberia, mostly in the regions of Lofa (northwest) and Montserrado (west), where is located the capital Monrovia . Some cases have also been reported from Margibi (northwest) and Nimba (north).