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Amman - ASHA
Sunday, June 1st, 2014 - 18:37 

Jordan announced the death of a new virus, Corona, bringing the death
toll to 6 out of 11 injured after recording new infections الأحد June 1.
The director of communicable diseases at the Ministry of Health of Jordan d. Mohammed al-Lat, told the official Jordanian news "Petra" - The new case of death of a patient 69-year-old was staying in the hospital for some time, and has a high pressure and diabetes and has already proven his virus a week ago.
He stated that the new situation that has proved checkups central laboratories belonging to a health staff "26 years" and works in a hospital other than the one recorded the case of death, pointing to the team from the Directorate of communicable diseases in the ministry procedures epidemiological investigation necessary to identify contacts within the family and the health staff that dealt with infected. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://akhbarelyom.com/error.html&sandbox=0&usg=ALkJrhhfnqf_TNlF4qSJFnU3x8407VHDSA
The director of communicable diseases at the Ministry of Health of Jordan d. Mohammed al-Lat, told the official Jordanian news "Petra" - The new case of death of a patient 69-year-old was staying in the hospital for some time, and has a high pressure and diabetes and has already proven his virus a week ago.
He stated that the new situation that has proved checkups central laboratories belonging to a health staff "26 years" and works in a hospital other than the one recorded the case of death, pointing to the team from the Directorate of communicable diseases in the ministry procedures epidemiological investigation necessary to identify contacts within the family and the health staff that dealt with infected. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://akhbarelyom.com/error.html&sandbox=0&usg=ALkJrhhfnqf_TNlF4qSJFnU3x8407VHDSA