
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alert Sukoharjo Tamiflu in 12 Bird Flu Prone Areas

Alert Sukoharjo Tamiflu in 12 Bird Flu Prone Areas

Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 12:23 pm, SUKOHARJO - Anticipating the spread of bird flu or the H5N1 virus, the District Health Office (DKK) Sukoharjo preparing tablets of Tamiflu in 12 health centers. The drug is available in each of the health centers as a first step to handle if found cases of bird flu or Avian Influenza (AI). Chief Medical Officer Dr. Guntur Subiyantoro Sukoharjo, Tuesday (15/1), said the drug Tamiflu is assistance from the central government. Tamiflu stockpiles, always available at the Health Department Sukoharjo. '' Tamiflu stock is always available at DKK. We also distribute in 12 health centers in anticipation''. addition to supplies of Tamiflu, DKK also took the Department of Agriculture to conduct routine monitoring and spraying disinfectant against avian in Sukoharjo in preventing pengidapan Avian or H5N1 virus. According to Dr. Thunder, all areas potentially affected by the virus Sukoharjo Bird Flu. Of the 12 districts of the greatest risk of contracting bird flu is the District Polokarto, Mojolaban District, District and Sub-district Gatak Kartasura. The four districts that notabenenya has a central poultry farm. As is known, after the thousands of ducks found dead in the village of Bugel, District Polokarto, Sukoharjo in the last two weeks, officers from UPTD (Regional Technical Services Unit) Department of Agriculture Animal Health Post Sukoharjo direct take blood samples of dead ducks in the laboratory for testing.