№ 10 01/28/13
Increased incidence of community-acquired pneumonia |
Chief Medical Officer of the Kurgan region Gregory Khokhlov adopted a resolution defining problems for agencies responsible for ensuring the health of citizens...
In the Kurgan region in 2012, the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia increased by 8.6% and accounted for 2545 cases of disease, the rate was 268.6 per 100 thousand people (2011 - 2343 cases; 247.3 per 100 thousand population).
On the third week of 2013 recorded 73 cases of community-acquired pneumonia - 0.8 per 10 thousand people, which is 14.3% higher than the incidence of the 2nd week in 2013 (67 cases, 0.7 per 10 thousand population) 60% higher incidence of the same period last year (the third week in 2012 - 47 cases, 0.5 per 10 thousand population).
Disease cases are registered in all age groups: 0-2 years - 9, 3-6 years - 4, 7-14 - 6, 15-17 - 2 18-39 - 8, 40-64 years - 26, over 65 - 18.
According to severity: 1 heavy (the patient was hospitalized), 68 cases of moderate (53 people were hospitalized), 4 - mild (2 patients hospitalized)..
01/28/2013 17:23 Society
The first cases of influenza reported in the Baikal region
Deceived and punished.Changeable weather caused the growth of colds. During the last week in the region has increased the number to a hospital. The first cases of influenza.
Changes in temperature and clothes are not for the weather.According to doctors, this is enough to get sick. Over the last week in the Irkutsk region recorded 12 and a half thousand cases of SARS, 4 - influenza. Most of the cases - children. - Compared to last week, we have increased the incidence of the total population by 10%. According to our forecasts, in the near future is expected epidemiological rise of flu and other viruses - said deputy chief state sanitary doctor of the Irkutsk Region Love Nursayanova. risk that the epidemic will s.... http://vesti.irk.ru/obshestvo/2013/01/28/181811/Black Label Yurga garrison. A Hidden Epidemic

Recruits from the Novosibirsk region filled hospitals units in Jurg. Mothers of soldiers reported that the garrison from the end of last year, a raging epidemic of pneumonia.
However, most cases of servicemen do not receive appropriate medical care - "Boys are like living dead."Sibkray.ru tried to understand the causes of the continuing state of emergency - from this "unrecognized" military leadership of the epidemic to the recent history of the suicide.
Troops stationed in Jurg, enjoys notoriety. Only in January, one soldier committed suicide, two other attempts failed. Just on the eve of the new year is another soldier died in hospital from pulmonary edema. Meanwhile, much of the recruits from the Novosibirsk region leaves it there.
At first sight, for the Novosibirsk mother the news that her son sent to serve in Jürg should rejoice. Not the Far East and the Arctic, drive ..