Suspicious There Disnakan Poultry Bird Flu
By: Asep Mulyana
Pantura - Friday, January 25, 2013 | 15:21 pm

HERE, Purwakarta - Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Purwakarta district continues to be aware of the spread of bird flu in the works.
agencies following the suspicious deaths of poultry, especially duck kind of mass in Kampung Cipadali, Babakan Sari village, District Plered on January 8, 2013 ago. Suspicions The residents appear based on information on the symptoms on a dead ducks. Unfortunately, these agencies do not receive physical evidence such as animal carcasses, because residents have first throw. The samples were sent to the Laboratory of the Animal Husbandry Department of West Java some time ago, was the chicken carcasses, bird flu and the results were negative. Death on the cock that was due stricken Newcastle. Nevertheless, Disnakan through field officers continue to monitor any developments in the township poultry, especially ducks. Head Ranch Disnakan Purwakarta district, Sri Wuryasturati said, although there are suspicions of bird flu infections, but it dare not infer the existence of mass poultry deaths from the virus. Because, did not manage to get a sample of duck carcasses. "There is suspicion, we continue to monitor the situation in Kampung Cipadali. Alhamdulillah to date have not shown symptoms that are not expected. But we still have to watch out for, "said Sri, Friday (25/1).
Pascamendapat reports of poultry deaths, he continued, instansinya directly open a call center in the plane 0264-200221.Thus, every citizen can call this number if you find a case of sudden death of poultry or bulk. So that treatment can be more quickly by using this communication medium. since the opening of the telephone service, Sri admit often gets reports of poultry deaths. One of them happened in the village of Tajur Sindang, District Sukatani. But once checked, death does not take place simultaneously chickens. So the day just two tails. Upon inspection it turns out the bird flu negative.
planned vaccination movement will simultaneously held in February, with the target animals, such as poultry, goats, buffaloes and cows.Type of vaccine that will be distributed in addition to the anthrax vaccine bird flu. As is known, in the past week, the death of poultry, especially duck kind of mass whack Plered two villages in the district. Both the village, among others Ciwareng Kulon, Village Cibogo Girang, and Cipadali, Babakan Sari Village
. A case like this, making people worry poultry infected with bird flu. poultry One owner, Didier (45), a resident of Kampung Ciwareng Kulon RT 10/04 admitted, every day livestock dying as much as 3-5 chickens and 10 ducks . This went on in a row in the past week. Judging from the symptoms, did not find signs that the chicken or the duck will die.
. A case like this, making people worry poultry infected with bird flu. poultry One owner, Didier (45), a resident of Kampung Ciwareng Kulon RT 10/04 admitted, every day livestock dying as much as 3-5 chickens and 10 ducks . This went on in a row in the past week. Judging from the symptoms, did not find signs that the chicken or the duck will die.