Floods soak Bandar Lampung..Where all the birds are dying
Thursday, January 24, 2013, 20:41 pm
Rakhmawati / AP

car and flooding / illustrations
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LAMPUNG AIRPORT - Heavy rains on Thursday (24/1) since at 15.30 pm, immersing homes and roads in Bandar Lampung. Rain water overflow from siring to homes and roads agency protocol. The high reached 30 centimeters (cm).
The rain that fell Thursday evening's larger volume and longer. So that makes the water in the siring and times overflowed. Blow water from the hills also damaged culvert crossing water.
Houses in Wayhalim, Labuhan Queen, Palapa, and constable, half-calf-high water flooded adults.
In addition to submerged homes, flooding also occurred on Jl Kartini, Jalan Radin Intan, partly Teukur Umar Road, and Road Cut Nyak Din. Flooding is causing traffic jams until after the Maghrib and Isha. There are no reports of deaths and injuries in the event of this nature.
According to Zulkarnain, heavy rains since late been soaking roads and houses in the Palapa. "The water in the kingdom around the tires, due to take place at a standstill," he said.
While Erni, Wayhalim residents, said water during heavy rains siring had entered his house as high as 25 cm. "It's quite heavy rain, lots of siring in residential overflow and go home," he explained.
While the citizens of Housing Beringin Kingdom, Kemiling, Bandar Lampungk, siring many complained the water flow from the hills blocked by garbage.
"The flow is no longer fit so out into the street and into homes," said Gil, the head of RT in Beringin Kingdom.http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/daerah/13/01/24/mh4u1f-banjir-rendam-kota-bandar-lampung