
Friday, August 3, 2012

I don't believe they dont have full containment at all #Ebola

I don't believe they dont have full containment at all.  Clinton is there,  people are still coming in,or still hiding, or escaping.  WHO are notorius liars as is the MOH from anywhere in that region..or earth for that matter. WHO is run by China don't cha know..and got their hands all up in some Africa.
The original story had 12 people sick and dying from an unknown disease, 1 month ago.. now in less than a week, it was confirmed ebola, and is contained??  Possibly a mutated strain as in not showing bloody symptoms as much, even though I think they eventually show up. A month of people dying and only 14, 16 or 19 dead?? Give me a fuckin break. More than 1 month of ebola and you got only 20 dead?? And only say they have only 16 dead?? That sure is some WEAK ASS EBOLA!
..The Director General of Health Services Dr. D.K.W Lwamafa says surveillance reports from the investigations undertaken by the Ministry of Health, the district and international partners indicate that 21 people have been affected with 13 deaths since June 21..