KINSHASA (© 2012 AFP) - Three aides were among the nine people recently died of Ebola in the region of Isiro in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), reported Wednesday the World Health Organization (WHO).
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 | 12:42 UTC

WHO / AFP / Christopher Black Archives. Members of Médecins sans Frontières caring for a man with Ebola in DRC
Of these 9 people, 8 died in Isiro, three nurses, WHO said in a statement. Another died in Dungu, towards the Ugandan border, and two cases were reported in Pawa, south of Isiro.
According to WHO, a team was formed with representatives from the Ministry of Health DRC, WHO and Doctors Without Borders to perform an epidemiological survey. For now WHO does not recommend travel restrictions or trade to the DRC.
These cases dating back to mid-August are the result of an outbreak in a neighboring region of Western Uganda but the virus has been detected is different from the one that hit Uganda. DRC is struck by the virus less virulent Bundibungyo-theoretically-, while in Uganda it is a strain that plagued Sudan.
Isiro, a city of 200,000 inhabitants in the Eastern Province, is located a few hundred kilometers of the affected region of Uganda.
Ugandan authorities have announced a week ago that the epidemic was "under control" but not yet eradicated. It has done so far 16 people and 165 people remain under observation.
Ebola hemorrhagic fever, a highly contagious, kills between 25 and 90% of patients, according to WHO. There is no treatment or vaccine. It is transmitted by direct contact with blood, bodily fluids (sweat, feces ...), by sex and by the mishandling of corpses contaminated.