Now, every traveler must complete a form on arrival in Kinshasa in all border crossings. The National Hygiene border, former leadership of international quarantine announced this control on Sunday, August 19 to restrict the spread of Ebola haemorrhagic fever.According to the deputy national director of the National Hygiene border, Dr. Michel Musudi, this medical form is a way to collect from the traveler the symptoms of Ebola.
"This fact sheet will tell where he is going and who they should contact. On the plug, it has the destination address. In case he showed symptoms of the disease at the border, we could take her to a health center. If there are many signs that fall within the definition of cases, we will harvest samples. And if it turns out that the person is positive, can be traced to any individuals with whom she had contact. "
Indeed, the director of the National Institute of biomedical research and virologist, Dr. Muyembe has recalls that there is to date, "no drug or vaccine against Ebola virus." He said the only remedy against this disease is to break the transmission chain. And for this we must:Isolate the sick;Protect the medical team;Detect anyone in contact with patients;Follow them for 21 days to isolate and analyze their blood during fever.
Before the introduction of this sheet border, the Crisis Committee epidemics District Isiro, where cases have been detected for the current outbreak, had taken some steps to stop the spread of the disease.
Hand hygiene and food is highly recommended. It is forbidden to shake hands or be in contact with someone with this disease. Moreover, it is forbidden to touch or wash the body of a deceased person of Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
The Ebola outbreak was declared in the DRC last week with twelve cases including six deaths, according to the district medical officer of Isiro Interim Health, Dr. Jacques Gumbaluka. The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Felix Kabange Numbi said last weekend that the disease was detected in the Dungu district in Isiro and Vianana in the Eastern Province.
"There was an alert in Bukavu in South Kivu. But the analyzes are ongoing, "said the minister