Wednesday, February 5, 2014 | 7:50
[Denpasar] The case of bird flu or H5N1 virus occurred in Klungkung regency, Bali, precisely in the area of the Strait of Hamlet, Village Banjarangkan.
....Dozens of chickens had died suddenly in this area some time ago. In fact, a chicken owner, Ketut Ward (40) could dispose of dead chickens without using protection.
As a result, Ketut Ward has a fever, and eventually had to be taken to the general hospital center (Dr) Sanglah for allegedly contracted the bird flu virus.
"From rapid tests carried out by the department of Fisheries and marine farms (Diskanlut) Klungkung District, stated that the dead chickens infected with the bird flu virus positive. Monday Yesterday, we had lalukan tests with animal husbandry department, and the chicken was positive, but the person is still in test and treated at Sanglah Hospital since yesterday, because he had direct contact with poultry, "said the head of the health center I Banjarangkan, Dr. Ratna, while checking health of citizens, in Hamlet Strait, Tuesday (4/2). ...
According to him, before being taken to Sanglah, named Ketut Ward patient has been given the drug Tami flu. As percegah so we do not catch bird flu.
"Preliminary results were negative, and hopefully the second test is negative," he said.
He was admitted in the next ten days will continue doing health checks of local residents. Mainly people who are in a radius of 100 meters from susfect.
Each resident will be health checked, and if the pain will be directly referred to hospitals for further from administration of.
"In addition, the animal husbandry department will also continue spraying until it is completely safe," he added....