
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Poultry Trade Triggers Uncontrolled Spread of Bird Flu

12/15/2012 01:51:00 AM

Owabum Post | | microbiology lecturer and imonologi, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), I Wayan Teguh Wibawan say, the emergence of bird flu could have occurred due to migration or mutation of the virus in Indonesia. Besides poultry trade also trigger uncontrolled munculya bird flu.

Death ribua ducks in Brebes, Central Java, and a number of other areas due to bird flu firus in a different class of clade 2.3.2 viruses before. Clade is a new disease that attacks a group of new, yet have less immunity to clade. Includes pet ducks and other poultry animals.

To cope with bird flu to do with prevention. Prevention efforts can be done with indakan biosecurity, including restrictions on poultry transport sick birds from one area to another and Performing culling limited and did disinfectant.

Selan, said Teguh, the presence of birds that migrate to the area of ​​Indonesia should also be monitored. He expects the government to respond to the case before it was too late to find a source of transmission of the disease.