By M.B. Jalloh, Press Attaché, Saudi Arabia
Government officials currently in Islam’s holiest city of Mecca have
called on Sierra Leone’s Muslim population to take advantage of the holy
month of Ramadan, to offer prayers and sacrifices for divine mercy to
stop the spread of the Ebola virus in the West African nation.
In a joint appeal to the Muslim Community after Friday, 4th July, 2014 congregational prayers at the Grand Mosque of Mecca (Al-Masjid al-Ḥaram), Sierra Leone’s Minister of Social Welfare who also doubles as Chairman of the 2014 Sierra Leone Hajj Affairs, Hon. Alhaji Moijue Kaikai, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, H.E Alhaji M.S. Kargbo and Special Assistant to H.E The President on Political and Religious Affairs, Hon. Nuru Deen Sankoh –Yillah asked Muslims to multiply their prayers, offer sacrifices and read the Holy Qur’an during this blessed month of Ramadan for the elimination of the deadly virus in their country..

In a joint appeal to the Muslim Community after Friday, 4th July, 2014 congregational prayers at the Grand Mosque of Mecca (Al-Masjid al-Ḥaram), Sierra Leone’s Minister of Social Welfare who also doubles as Chairman of the 2014 Sierra Leone Hajj Affairs, Hon. Alhaji Moijue Kaikai, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, H.E Alhaji M.S. Kargbo and Special Assistant to H.E The President on Political and Religious Affairs, Hon. Nuru Deen Sankoh –Yillah asked Muslims to multiply their prayers, offer sacrifices and read the Holy Qur’an during this blessed month of Ramadan for the elimination of the deadly virus in their country..