
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ebola outbreak is 'out of control' in parts of Africa, warns MSF

07.05.2014 9:10 a.m. - 9:10 a.m. Updated on 07/05/2014

Only humanitarian organization operating in hazardous areas in the west of the continent, MSF tries to avoid regional epidemic.

With the exponential increase in the number of cases of Ebola in West Africa, the international medical organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warns against the risk of a regional epidemic.
"The outbreak is out of control," said the BBC Brazil Mariano Lugli, MSF director of operations in Switzerland.
The team leads Lugli humanitarian assistance in the region since February. With nearly 300 professionals in the field, the organization has helped approximately 500 patients and is at the limit of its operational capacity.
Surto de Ebola é o maior da história já matou quase 500 pessoas em três países da África Ocidental (Foto: BBC) Ebola outbreak is the largest in history has killed nearly 500 people in three countries in West Africa (Photo: BBC)
In four months, the Ebola outbreak which originated in Guinea has spread to two neighboring countries, Liberia and Sierra Leone .
"There is a constant and intense movement of people across borders in this region and the cases are rapidly spreading to other provinces and countries," said Lugli.
The disease has spread to more than 60 different locations in West Africa and has not yet reached its peak.
"In general, this should have happened between two and five months, but it is impossible to predict especially because now there is a variant of the virus that causes hemorrhagic fever and is very dangerous," said Lugli...
 It is estimated that each infected person keep in touch with at least 20 other individuals, which should also be isolated and monitored for control of Ebola. Another common situation is complicated by the careless handling of bodies of victims of the disease...