CONAKRY-Doctors Without Borders (MSF) released the latest statistics from the state of Ebola hemorrhagic proud in Guinea. According
to this organization, to the date of July 3, 2014, Guinea has recorded
292 confirmed cases of Ebola including 194 deaths and 98 healed, learned
As of July 3, 2014, the number of hospitalized cases in different treatment centers are:
Gueckédou: 6 confirmed cases including 4 Gueckédou and 2 from Sierra Leone.
Conakry: 3 confirmed including 2 from Boffa. The date of the last confirmed case dates back to June 26 in Conakry and 29 June Gueckédou.
According to MSF's what makes a total of seven confirmed cases in treatment centers.
Five (5) previously affected prefectures (Télémélé, Kissidougou Dabola Dinguiraye and Kouroussa) have not notified new cases this week.
According to Marc Poncin National Emergency Coordinator for Ebola doctor without borders, Gueckédou is the area where the epidemic is still more severe.
'' There has been an upsurge of cases, while in May, we saw that the epidemic was decreasing. So, the quote on the epidemic remains serious Gueckédou perspective. Unfortunately we are facing particular difficulties, access to all areas where the epidemic has he said.
The Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Rémy Lamah, then handed local authorities to facilitate open access to all areas and villages affected by the epidemic. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.africaguinee.com%2Farticles%2F2014%2F07%2F06%2Febola-en-guinee-les-dernieres-statistiques-de-l-epidemie%23.U7murysr8tM.twitter
As of July 3, 2014, the number of hospitalized cases in different treatment centers are:
Gueckédou: 6 confirmed cases including 4 Gueckédou and 2 from Sierra Leone.
Conakry: 3 confirmed including 2 from Boffa. The date of the last confirmed case dates back to June 26 in Conakry and 29 June Gueckédou.
According to MSF's what makes a total of seven confirmed cases in treatment centers.
Five (5) previously affected prefectures (Télémélé, Kissidougou Dabola Dinguiraye and Kouroussa) have not notified new cases this week.
According to Marc Poncin National Emergency Coordinator for Ebola doctor without borders, Gueckédou is the area where the epidemic is still more severe.
'' There has been an upsurge of cases, while in May, we saw that the epidemic was decreasing. So, the quote on the epidemic remains serious Gueckédou perspective. Unfortunately we are facing particular difficulties, access to all areas where the epidemic has he said.
The Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Rémy Lamah, then handed local authorities to facilitate open access to all areas and villages affected by the epidemic. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.africaguinee.com%2Farticles%2F2014%2F07%2F06%2Febola-en-guinee-les-dernieres-statistiques-de-l-epidemie%23.U7murysr8tM.twitter