
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Virus "Corona" knocks houses Algerians.wife and 5 family members being checked

Ministry of Health announces registration for two pilgrims in Tlemcen and Tipaza

Virus "Corona" knocks houses Algerians

 05/31/2014 at 20:57)
Aaúdan injury pilgrims from Saudi Arabia with the virus
Aaúdan injury pilgrims from Saudi Arabia with the virus
Image: (Archive)

Sheikh Barbara's "Sunrise": gags free and pilgrims on zero tolerance

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Algeria recorded the first cases of infection with Corona, after testing the injury pilgrims entered the home end of the week, according to a statement of the Ministry of Health yesterday confirmed two cases infected with the deadly virus Coruna in Algeria, and it comes two men Algerians (66 and 69 years old) were in Saudi Arabia as part of the performance Umrah. According to the statement has been declared Balasaptin by the interests of the health of the Olaty Tipaza and Tlemcen.
He explained Director General Court National Pilgrimage And Umrah Sheikh Barbara, That Case Pilgrim Slope From State Tlemcen But Stable And dangerous, Where Subject To breathe Artificial Because of Impact The virus, This Final Was Discovery Injury After Transferred To Hospital Qlaiah In Wake Deterioration His condition Health Which Not Discover The airport, The Subject For treatment One day One After Back From Bekaa Holy. 
Either Status The second Says Sheikh Barbara It Stable, After That Was Be aware Injury To Level Airport And converted Directly To Hospital.
In Context, Attract Barbara In Contact With "Sunrise" to That Agencies Forced To Withdrawal Gags Which Grant Free For pilgrims, To Level Centers Health, Adviser Next To House God Sacred Following Tips Which Progress To them From Before Team Medical Per Agency From For Avoid Injury Virus, And undergo Vaccines Health Necessary As well as Use Gags The lack of Complacency In That. Explained That The most important Management He Use Gags That That he No There are Any Procedure Can Back It Given To Absence Vaccines Counter Virus Which Killing Dozens Middle East Are Parallel With That Subjection Pilgrims Returnees To Land Motherland For tests Medical From Before The difference Which Was Recruited This Purpose.
Conversely Not Announces Ministry Health About Any Arrangements Especially To confront The virus, And The The May Isolated Families Injured It is Came into contact Their, To At least To reduce From Severity Tension And fear Which May Infect Citizens Who Was His Continue Direct With Cases, They just Issuing Statement Announces Where Entry Disease To Algeria.
From For its part, Announced Ministry Health Saudi Arabia Yesterday First, High Number Deaths Virus Corona Causative Syndrome East East Respiratory To 187 people In Kingdom, Which Considered First Focus This Virus Which Back In In 2012.
Quotes "Agency France Press " Ministry Saying The Children Great From 11 years old Died Wednesday In Riyadh, In Time Rose Number Total Injuries Virus To 568 infected, Died Of whom 187 people. The Saudi Arabia Country Which Record Greater Number From Injuries Virus, In When Was Count Injuries Other In Countries Several Including Jordan And Egypt And Lebanon, And also States United The Netherlands Greece, But The majority of Injured In This Countries Traveled Or Worked In Saudi Arabia Recently.
Announced Organization Health World After Meeting Emergency About Virus "Corona" he No Necessity Declaration The case of "emergency Health General Comprehensive. "

Subjection Family Casualty Analysis
  Descends A Injured Virus Corona, From City Singer Called "b. Mohammed," The Transfer Thursday Past From Hospital Singer To Hospital Tlemcen, Where Confirmed Injury Virus Corona. There Currently Interest Diseases Infectious, With Was Subjection His wife And 5 members From Family Analyses Medical.
It comes two men were in Saudi Arabia
Corona virus, two of the injuries in Algeria

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A statement of the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform on Saturday confirmed two cases (02) infected with the deadly virus Coruna in Algeria. And source explained that it concerns two men Algerians (66 and 69 years old) were in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under perform Umrah. Is declared scored the health interests of the party to Olaty Tipaza and Tlemcen. The ministry's statement and explained that the first patient has been injured and the first symptoms are fever and difficulty breathing, as well as the second patient, who suffered the first symptoms of respiratory and digestive tract during their stay in Makkah, adding that he has been provide for them after their entry to the health of the institutions of their mandate, respectively. And has strengthened the Ministry of Health since April 27 last control procedures and the dangers that put on 12 June 2013 due to the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the disease caused by this new virus in the Middle East according to the same source. And in the framework of the enhanced notification procedures were authorized with these two cases Okdahma national reference laboratory for the Corona virus to the Pasteur Institute - Algeria adds the statement. And follow closely the evolution of the ministry epidemiological situation and will take all actions that impose and will be informed by public opinion according to the same source.
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Ebola: the number of deaths climbed to 113, "the skeptics are convinced"

Sat May 31 2014, 9:01 p.m.

To the press Saturday the Interministerial Commission response to fever    Ebola hemorrhagic took stock of 113 178 deaths confirmed cases as of May 30 The last case occurred in the prefectures of    Télimélé, Dubréka Boffa (Lower Guinea) and Gueckedou drove up the numbers.

In preparing this umpteenth balance sheet    the Commission has recently believe that the disease was limited, said he was surprised by the spread in the districts of Lower Guinea. "Anyway, we do not give up," responded the Minister of Health and Public Health,    Colonel Remy Lamah.
According to the Minister of Health, there has been lax in the fight against the epidemic. Favoring his reappearance in Gueckedou and appearance Télimélé and Boffa.    "There was laxity on the part of those who were recruited for contact tracing., But also among the population, some of which   still do not believe in the existence of the disease, "said the Minister. In the process, he drew support from the press to convince a family Soumah victim of fever Kaporo   the existence of the disease.
Faced with the    recurrence of the disease, the Minister of Communication    called for patriotic journalists. "I regret to tell you that some media did not want to rely on the real source for real information," said Alhousseyni Makanéra Kake on the latest treatments for journalists on the epidemic.
Ebola has recently    victims in neighboring Sierra Leone. The border situation is considered worrisome by the representative of Doctors Without Borders in Guinea. Dr. Rene Zitsamele Coddy of the World Health Organization announced OMS-Sierra Leone-Guinea and WHO consider a common response strategy against fever.  
It comes two men were in Saudi Arabia
Corona virus, two of the injuries in Algeria

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A statement of the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform on Saturday confirmed two cases (02) infected with the deadly virus Coruna in Algeria. And source explained that it concerns two men Algerians (66 and 69 years old) were in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under perform Umrah. Is declared scored the health interests of the party to Olaty Tipaza and Tlemcen. The ministry's statement and explained that the first patient has been injured and the first symptoms are fever and difficulty breathing, as well as the second patient, who suffered the first symptoms of respiratory and digestive tract during their stay in Makkah, adding that he has been provide for them after their entry to the health of the institutions of their mandate, respectively. And has strengthened the Ministry of Health since April 27 last control procedures and the dangers that put on 12 June 2013 due to the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the disease caused by this new virus in the Middle East according to the same source. And in the framework of the enhanced notification procedures were authorized with these two cases Okdahma national reference laboratory for the Corona virus to the Pasteur Institute - Algeria adds the statement. And follow closely the evolution of the ministry epidemiological situation and will take all actions that impose and will be informed by public opinion according to the same source.
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It comes two men were in Saudi Arabia
Corona virus, two of the injuries in Algeria

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A statement of the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform on Saturday confirmed two cases (02) infected with the deadly virus Coruna in Algeria. And source explained that it concerns two men Algerians (66 and 69 years old) were in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under perform Umrah. Is declared scored the health interests of the party to Olaty Tipaza and Tlemcen. The ministry's statement and explained that the first patient has been injured and the first symptoms are fever and difficulty breathing, as well as the second patient, who suffered the first symptoms of respiratory and digestive tract during their stay in Makkah, adding that he has been provide for them after their entry to the health of the institutions of their mandate, respectively. And has strengthened the Ministry of Health since April 27 last control procedures and the dangers that put on 12 June 2013 due to the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the disease caused by this new virus in the Middle East according to the same source. And in the framework of the enhanced notification procedures were authorized with these two cases Okdahma national reference laboratory for the Corona virus to the Pasteur Institute - Algeria adds the statement. And follow closely the evolution of the ministry epidemiological situation and will take all actions that impose and will be informed by public opinion according to the same source. And confirmed the statement on the other hand that in the current stage of the learning process environmental data the World Health Organization that "the transmission of the disease among humans remains weak.
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It comes two men were in Saudi Arabia
Corona virus, two of the injuries in Algeria

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A statement of the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform on Saturday confirmed two cases (02) infected with the deadly virus Coruna in Algeria. And source explained that it concerns two men Algerians (66 and 69 years old) were in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under perform Umrah. Is declared scored the health interests of the party to Olaty Tipaza and Tlemcen. The ministry's statement and explained that the first patient has been injured and the first symptoms are fever and difficulty breathing, as well as the second patient, who suffered the first symptoms of respiratory and digestive tract during their stay in Makkah, adding that he has been provide for them after their entry to the health of the institutions of their mandate, respectively. And has strengthened the Ministry of Health since April 27 last control procedures and the dangers that put on 12 June 2013 due to the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the disease caused by this new virus in the Middle East according to the same source. And in the framework of the enhanced notification procedures were authorized with these two cases Okdahma national reference laboratory for the Corona virus to the Pasteur Institute - Algeria adds the statement. And follow closely the evolution of the ministry epidemiological situation and will take all actions that impose and will be informed by public opinion according to the same source. And confirmed the statement on the other hand that in the current stage of the learning process environmental data the World Health Organization that "the transmission of the disease among humans remains weak.
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Two cases Makdtan Ptibazh and Tlemcen .. Beware .. Corona in Algeria

Two cases Makdtan Ptibazh and Tlemcen .. Beware .. Corona in Algeria PDF Print Send to a Friend
Saturday, May 31, 2014 19:14
The Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform, recording two cases infected with the deadly virus, "Corona" in Algeria, two Algerians were in Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah.
The ministry said in a statement that the commandment yesterday, that injured Abulgan respectively 66 and 69 years old were declared scored the health interests of the party for the states of Tipaza and Tlemcen, and this without providing any further details on the subject.
  In a related context, Slim said Belkacem charge to connect at the level of the Ministry of Health in connection for "Algeria News" that "the ministry confirmed cases after reaching the central laboratory for the detection of infection Alaenetin submitted to the virus," but "showed symptoms of infection on pilgrim slope of Tipaza 66 years immediately upon arrival in Algiers International Airport late last week, where he was to set procedures for medical consultation at the level of the airport and enter just been Hospital Qlaiah follow-up health until confirmation of his injury, "while adding costly to communicate on the level of the ministry commandment that the incidence of the second touched citizen slope of Tlemcen 69 Year "who developed symptoms a day after coming from the Bekaa sacred and was placed under medical care at the level of the university hospital in Tlemcen."
With regard to the situation, who is by both infected declared them, said Salim Belkacem his part as "passing by currently under medical observation does not mean their condition of health they are in danger of uncertain due to confirm the injury, including the strength of the body's immunity play a role in responding to the virus, in addition to that he has recorded the deaths of 70 only one percent of those infected with HIV transmission to them ", and highlighted about it that dozens of samples from symptoms similar to the injury up to the central laboratory in the capital for consideration, did not disclose the spokesman for any preventive steps new will be presented by the Minister in charge at the moment after confirming entry virus" Corona " the dust of the Algerian, stressing the need to "intensify surveillance of medical coming from Saudi Arabia of pilgrims on the next pilgrimage season, especially that even the World Health Organization did not call for reducing time to take action and did not release warnings against travel to the territory of Saudi Arabia," the spokesman concludes.

Koruna» and bad habits

Well done when the Kurdistan Regional Government decided to ban Umrah flights to Saudi Arabia for fear of transmission of HIV, "Corona" killer to the region by pilgrims.
Preferably do if our government decides quickly and prevent Umrah, for the same reason, after the World Health Organization called for the need to take urgent measures on Corona virus. She stated that the "gravity of the situation has increased regarding the impact of public health, and that, however, there is no evidence of the resilience of transmission between humans."
WHO position came after a conference attended by thirteen state party affected by them and the Jordanian Ministry of Health.
If Saudi Arabia can not make a decision to stop the reception of pilgrims, and even the next pilgrimage season if it continues growing number of patients, the affected states to take this decision, and to prevent its citizens from traveling to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah and Hajj.
Minister of Health Dr. Ali Hayasat friend knows better than anyone else, our ability to cope with the virus that an increasing number of those infected do not, God forbid, and knows better than we do not give up bad habits, whatever the circumstances.
The minister himself has called on citizens to stay away from certain customs, especially at events Kaltaqbil sufficiency and shake hands, wash your hands and not drinking coffee cups used by itself.
But he saw with his own eyes and in the ceremony of Independence, in particular, how it did not abide by some well-wishers not to kissing, and they kissed the head of state, in a ceremony attended by thousands.
The minister watched all Jordanians, how thousands lined up to offer condolences, and few of us who are committed to non-kissing, embracing people dead, despite many appeals to stop kissing.
Even the phenomenon of a cup of coffee which is taking place on the attendance at social events and solidarity still exists, despite the emergence of a positive phenomenon preferably circulated in the use of plastic cups for once.
It is not easy to leave our habits bad, especially for the performance of duty consolation, feeling intimate towards the people of the deceased, but the government can prevent the arrival of the virus Koruna through decisions are clear and specific, such as the prevention go to Umrah, and examine the health conditions before the next pilgrimage season.

Religion, Oil and the reporting on the MERS coronavirus

..Today marks 10 years I have been tracking disease outbreaks. I have seen many reports and govt statements on a wide variety of flu, ebola, coronavirus. There has been and always will be denials or hiding of information, to prevent panic, save face or protect money or religion.
Your health, that of your family and country, are now at risk more than ever before due to these factors.
  I spend hours reading newspapers from all over the world and use different translators to try and understand the latest situations on what diseases are spreading and how. I see all the Gov't reports or lack of them and I am about damn full of all the hiding of information in the name of religion and oil revenues. On this site you see barely a fraction of what I see is happening out there. To post and report on every single story would take more time than I have.

 Take my word for it, They do not like you, if you are not a muslim.
 They do not like you knowing how bad MERS is. 
They do not want to disrupt Umrah or Hajj for any reason whatsoever. 
They do NOT care whether you like it or not.

 Unfortunately, the U.S. and most other countries are addicted to oil like a whore on drugs. They let oil producing countries dictate the reporting of disease and how they are portrayed in the media to save face or prop up tourism and religion. 

I hope you  don't need 40 more reports to tell you that muslim religeous travelers are spreading
Mers far and wide and will continue to do so... how long before it becomes easily transferable between humans?   So where are our govt agencies to protect us from this?? 

Recent coronavirus cases who went to umrah:
 two Algerian men, aged 66 and 59 years , who have stayed in Saudi Arabia for performing Umrah , the source added

Suspected case coronavirus MERS in northern Sinai ex-Saudi Arabia

Both among patients who had been in hospital with a pilgrim returning from Saudi Arabia

Netherlands-Two patients, returning to the Netherlands from pilgrimage in Medina and Mecca

...your new coronavirus lies

..There are new coronavirus medicines and treatments and a vaccine is on the way..

'Mers Coronavirus does not have pandemic potential'

CDC Says 3rd Illinois Man Suspected Infected with MERS Virus a False Alarm

Only 187 have died from MERS in the KSA..

only 1 person has died from MERS in Iran..

The Islamic countries are telling you the truth about MERS..

The U.S govt is telling you the truth about Mers..

 The W.H.O. is telling you the truth about MERS
..MERS was spreading but had yet to reach the level of global emergency?..

Corona has no new cases in Kerman

Kerman - IRNA - Deputy Director of Disease Control, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, said new cases of the viral disease has been observed in the corona.

Mahdi Shafiei said Saturday in an interview with IRNA said the four men suspected of the examination was negative in Kerman corona virus and the disease have no symptoms.

He said three of the men who had been hospitalized were discharged from the hospital for more control, but one of them had in the past due to the underlying disease that is admitted to the hospital.

He said the two others are hospitalized with suspected corona virus that has not yet responded to send us their final examinations.

Shafi'i, declared that Corona's disease symptoms include severe respiratory illness and hospitalization, severe infection and contact with pilgrims from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states have.

Deputy Director of Disease Control Kerman University of Medical Sciences said: With regard to the corona virus outbreak in Saudi Arabia, six thousand pamphlets in learning about this disease and other respiratory diseases were published, and most of the pilgrims are .

He added that the educational pamphlets, health interventions that pilgrims should carry when traveling and after returning, is provided in relation to respiratory diseases as well as educational pamphlets and corona virus made public and community takes place.

Two sisters in Kerman corona virus were infected, of whom one died last Thursday and another person was discharged from hospital. K / 3

Mobile phone networks were cut in Kerman

Kerman - IRNA - mobile network morning Saturday is generally the province was cut .[ Mobile network were cut in Kerman ]According to IRNA , the network confirmed that suddenly occurred from 7 am Saturday to subscribers of mobile communication is difficult .IRNA reporter pursuing Public Relations Contacts province due to certain technical problems in the switch, the company said .According to officials, the public relations Telecom technicians are working to resolve this problem in a hurry .Kerman city with about three million inhabitants, 23 are covered by the carrier

Mobile shortages in the province resolved

Kerman - IRNA - Director of Public Relations Contacts province said mobile network in the province after a certain time, connect, and now there is no problem in this regard...

Corona virus arithmetic news these days, so that has taken the lives of people in Kerman

- Saturday, 10 June 1393 Home

Corona, Nflvanzayy the most hardworking!
Corona virus arithmetic news these days, so that has taken the lives of people in Kerman

Community groups and citizens - almost not a day that news of the death of Mrs Nshnvym Middle East or respiratory syndrome. But the news few years because once a new disease in the world is repeated. Mrs news respiratory disease (MERS-CoV) pulmonary neighboring countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, perhaps the worst Khbrbray. Of the annual pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia sent thousands to the news of the death of two people and now the disease has been confirmed. Doctors have said they fear going Vrtr deadly disease with no specific treatment is currently corona virus has taken the lives of a woman, 53 years old in Kerman. Head of Kerman Medical University, referring to the death of a woman patient in Kerman Corona said: "The disease was imported from the Persian Gulf countries, mainly among people who have traveled to these areas is observed.:" Ali Akbar Haghdoost "said the 53-year-old patient had been treated for several days, but despite all medical efforts due to deterioration and death of critically ill." He emphasized that the people of the province are requested to keep their composure against the disease, the expression "The family of the dead person no concern about transmission of the virus during the burial ceremony are not." Head of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, pointed out that Corona recently with the sister of the patient died, he added: "Fortunately, after a few days of hospitalization, was discharged." Haghdoost said: "Unfortunately, the current prevalence of the corona in Kerman has created concern among the people of this territory." He expressed that the symptoms Corona It is very similar to the flu, he added that "not every person with flu patients suspected of having the disease, he said."
Kissing banned until further notice
Head of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, stating that some of the media from getting 6 or more people are aware of the disease in Kerman Corona, said: "These people are now suspected of having the virus are not yet any definite problem." Haghdoost with Emphasizing that we are currently awaiting a response from Tehran experiments, said: "The results of these experiments determined and will be announced soon." he Byankrd: "This disease imported into the country and more in the Persian Gulf countries Among who have traveled to these countries and more than 10 days, flu symptoms can be observed in them, is a certainty. "Head of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, the principles of primary health demanded by the people and said:" Ordered wash hands cheeks lack use mask etc., can be effective in preventing the disease. "doctor M. Apparently, the president of the Center for Combating Diseases Branch of the Ministry of Health in Corona denies having one person said," this disease as a person, he Corona disease was . "He improved the condition of patients," said Corona is fatal if the individual underlying disease such as heart disease, lung cancer, and hypertension have. Globally, only one third of patients have died Corona. "
186 people have lost their lives in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Health Ministry said the number of victims in this country since the detection of respiratory disease Kvrna Yamrs fatal respiratory illness has risen to 186 people. Saudi Health Ministry announced over the past two weeks, 13 cases of fatal illness Mrs (respiratory distress syndrome in Middle East) have lost their lives. In addition, 186 patients from 2012 to date in Saudi Arabia who have lost their lives, 565 of them in this country are infected with the virus causes the disease known as the corona. Saudi authorities last month for the first time officially, people were advised to contact the camels, and aspects of safety precautions to follow. According to local media, Saudi Arabia, the country's Ministry of Agriculture intends to install a micro-chip, camel, corona control the spread of the deadly virus. Meat, milk and camel's body fluids including saliva, these animals can transmit the disease. Mrs disease virus also has the ability to remain at the level of contact of individuals, to be transported....

US & Dutch Confusion Linked to Withheld MERS Sequences

Recombinomics Commentary 17:00
May 30, 2014
Exchange of information between the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dutch experts did not reveal any clues about mutual exposure of the Dutch and US cases. The current, limited scientific information does not support any conclusion on the meaning of this genetic resemblance,

The above comments from the recent paper on the two Dutch pilgrims who were MERS confirmed, describes efforts between investigators in The Netherlands and United States to explain the close relationship between sequences from the two Dutch pilgrims (70M and 73F) and the Riyadh health care worker (HCW) who was confirmed in Munster, Indiana, with onward transmission to a colleague in Cook County, Illinois (likely Chicago) based on positive serological data on two assays (ELISA and IFA) which have been defined by the CDC as lab confirmation of a prior MERS infection (CDC retraction not withstanding). 

Like the cluster in the United States, the cluster in the Netherlands appears to have been acquired via casual contact (45 minutes in the waiting room of a Medina hospital).

The sequence identity between the three PCR confirmed cases originating in Riyadh (
Indiana/USA-1_Saudi Arabia_2014) and Medina raises concerns that a novel sub-clade is responsible for the explosion of MERS cases in these two cities.  However, US and Dutch investigators were unable to draw conclusions from the match because sequences from these two cities have been withheld.

Although the Drostin lab, which appears to have exclusive access to samples from the cases in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), has indicated sequence data from areas outside of Jeddah and Mecca have been transmitted to WHO, the failure to make these sequences public has led to comments such as those cited above from the recent paper on the Netherlands cluster.

The presence of a novel sub-clade in Medina could have significant impact on pilgrims traveling to Mecca and Medina while performing Umrah, which will increase significantly during Ramadan, which begins in less than a month.

The Droston lab has released six nearly complete sequences from a sub-clade which is circulating in Jeddah and Mecca (
(C7149 and C7770 from hospital A collected on April 3 and 7, respectively, as well as C7569 from hospital B collected on April 5, followed by Jeddah sequences C8826 and C9055 collected on April 12 and April 14 from hospital A and C, respectively, as well as Mecca (C9355) collected on April 15).  This sub-clade was also found in a Jeddah HCW who traveled to Orlando, Florida (Florida/USA-2_Saudi Arabia_2014), as well as a Jeddah resident (69M) who developed symptoms after visiting his wife in a Jeddah hospital who was diagnosed with Dengue Fever.  When he developed symptoms, he was diagnosed with Typhoid Fever, but after travel to Athens, Greece he was diagnosed with MERS and sequencing of the S and N genes revealed a close similarity with the Jeddah sub-clade.

The presence of this sub-clade in Mecca raises additional Umrah/Ramadan concerns since most pilgrims who fly to KSA pass through Jeddah, Mecca, and Medina.  The hospital linked to the Jeddah export to Orlando, Florida has not been disclosed.  However, the export to Greece appears to have originated from the Al-Jedaani Hospitals, which has recently been cited in media reports as a hospital that has seen a dramatic drop in ER visits due to fears of nosocomial transmission.  It is unlikely that this hospital is hospital B or C, linked to Droston sequences (and hospital A is almost certainly King Fahd, which was force to temporarily close its ER in April due to the number of MERS cases, which included HCWs), because the direct has claimed there are no MERS infected patients or HCWs in his hospital system. 

Thus, although the MERS explosion in Jeddah has been attributed to poor infection control, the presence of the same sub-clade in four Jeddah hospitals as well as a Mecca hospital suggests this sub-clade is widespread and not limited to a limited number of nosocomial outbreaks.

The widespread presence of the Jeddah/Mecca sub-clade in Jeddah and possibly Mecca, as well as the detection of the Medina/Riyadh sub-clade in exports to the Netherlands and United States, which are associated with transmission via casual contact, the withholding of the Medina and Riyadh sequences continues to increase pandemic concerns.

Hospital orphan in Qunfudah fails to meet the "Corona" and officials are demanding the intervention of the Prince of the region

Hospital orphan in Qunfudah fails to meet the "Corona" and officials are demanding the intervention of the Prince of the region

Edit - Moroccan Mohammed - Qunfudah
Saturday, 05/31/2014
مستشفى يتيم في القنفذة يعجز عن مواجهة "كورونا" ومسؤولون يطالبون بتدخل أمير المنطقة
At the time and continued the aircraft medical evacuation yesterday morning flying in the skies of the province Qunfudah Aqlaaa and down to move the Arthritis virus «Corona» from the province to hospitals in Jeddah, has escalated complaints from parents and officials on the worsening situation and the increasing cases of infected gradually under silence health officials Qunfudah, who They considered that disclosure of the number of infected cases falls within the secrets of the patients, according to media spokesman Hussein al-Alwani,
 who confirmed receipt of instructions from the Department of Health Qunfudah not to disclose any details on the journalists and please take that into account ..

Against that he has raised the head of notaries Qunfudah Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al Houeiss speech of His Highness the Emir of Mecca, Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah and throughput of social networking sites, appealed to the intervention of His Highness and save the province Qunfudah virus Corona, according to the text of the speech, he said Sheikh Al Houeiss: The the people of the province Qunfudah in the centers of Al Quoz and Costume Almazalv all villages, including children, women and elders and youth has spread among them (B Corona) has been hit by a lot of them in front of the silence of those responsible, as if lives are cheap to Atsawi any price, we did not find any alert or provide guidance or vaccines or interesting. 
  It goes on every Houeiss in his speech: wondering about the role of the Ministry of Health and what made the citizen, saying: "His Royal Highness Prince .. Muslim greatest sanctity of God Almighty Kabah is what the Ministry of Health and Health Affairs Balguenvzh for those Muslims in Qunfudah and Maitbaha centers?
He added: "General Hospital Qunfudah teeming with wounded from the people of the province in intensive care and isolation rooms as well as from infected»? He said. The tail of the letter to the Minister of Health in the image to the Director of Health Affairs Balguenvzh and a picture of the governor Qunfudah.
The Ministry of Health has officially announced earlier in the injury of five cases of HIV Corona Balguenvzh, as has been transferred the case yesterday evening, the first plane medical evacuation, and another case yesterday morning, and was director of education Qunfudah previously Belghith bin Hamad Alqose has sent a letter to the Minister of Health on injured young man of his relatives, describing the intensive care hospital Qunfudah General »Badzh» he said.
Meanwhile, they resumed their demands that the people of the province need to run health projects new in the province and spent by the state millions of riyals and are still waiting for full operation in more than five years in light of the silence of the Ministry of Health and health Qunfudah despite a visit by Vice Minister of Health, Dr. Muhammad Hamza Khchim and a number of Agents ministry but to no avail.

Call the Minister of Health by the "Shura Council" to discuss the status of "Corona"

Ahsa now - rebounds:
According to press sources, the Shura Council, decided to call the Health Minister-designate, Dr. Adel Fakih, next Wednesday, to submit a report to the Committee on Health Affairs and the Environment on plans to combat the virus, "Corona."
He indicated a source familiar with, according to the newspaper "Middle East", that the leadership of the Council and the Commission informed the rest of the members of the Board through the dissemination of urgent discussion session scheduled to discuss all aspects of the virus and ways to combat it.
The decision is the first call to the Minister of Health Fakih, who was assigned the tasks of the ministry on April 20 last year, in addition to his work as minister of labor.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

#MERS 50 Camels also dead in Kerman

Recent Status "Corona" in Iran

Serious health ministry advised pilgrims, constantly washing hands and personal hygiene, the only way to fight the virus, raising the death toll so far many have left in the world, and some Middle East countries. The virus is still no vaccine nor medicine.
Seal: News The Department of Health has indicated that the country does not have any concerns in relation to the corona virus and everything is under control, but health officials Kerman rising cases of suspected the virus's are catching. While some have heard, also suggests that the corona virus in another province in the country, with the Ministry of Health but has not yet announced the news.

Suspected increase in Kerman

M. Shafii Director of Disease Prevention and Health Department, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman's corona virus was detected in 6 patients with suspected and says: Preconditioning is necessary to identify suspected cases immediately, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, operational teams and deployed sampling began during the sampling found that both positive definite and therefore measures of disease were observed in Kerman Prevention and treatment of the disease are observed begin, and we are.

He continued the case given that one of them is aging and chronic diseases is now in the ICU under the care of the general good and the other is already in the care of isolated.

Shafie acknowledged: Coruña disease in Kerman have been identified so far, six people suspected of having or not their involvement with HIV testing process is ongoing.

50 more died in Kerman

Khoobyari Presbyterian Health Administration Assistant Veterinary southern Kerman said 50 camels in southern Kerman are dead, according to studies conducted have no connection with Corona's disease based on the principle of prevention to prevent us from entering more in Kerman province.

Help maintain healthy blood deal with the corona virus was delivered

Help maintain healthy blood and blood products for the prevention of risks in dealing with the corona virus, corona virus, according to the view of Saudi Arabia and the possibility of the virus, and given the Head Offices of blood in the country for were.

Vice President of Engineering and Technology Dr. S. Zolfagari Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization emphasized the importance of information about risk factors, prevention, said, according to the view of the corona virus and likely virus Arabian country to country, help maintain healthy blood and its products In dealing with the corona virus prepared and provided to prevent hazards of transfusion departments across the country are located.

He noted: need for a temporary exemption to the Saudi people who have traveled there, unless they are in contact with suspected patients corona virus.

Zolfaghari stating guidelines related to health promotion strategies in the blood of all risk factors is the most important programs of Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, said blood removal alternative, choose the healthiest people to donate blood tests to confirm the health of blood on the individual bags donations, confidential self-exclusion and all the processes that are effective in recent years in order to improve blood safety, blood safety have been developed and implemented.

He added that today, due to emerging diseases in different parts of the world and the possible entry into the country, we must be alert in case of any factor that may be a threat to the safety of blood and its products, fast, and we act.

Corona is controlled outbreaks in Kerman

Political and security deputy governor of Kerman, Kerman, expressing regret over the death of a 53 year old lady on Corona disease, stating: Special care should be taken to prevent the repetition of such events.
Political and security deputy governor of Kerman, Kerman, expressing regret over the death of a woman due to illness Corona, said the outbreak is controlled with the cooperation of the people in the province.

In an interview with journalist Hamid Zkaasdy Tasnim, pointed out that the provincial network and media work to prevent the outbreak started in Kerman Corona, declared the entire medical advice Astanyha are requested to remain calm in order to prevent infection to prevent disease.

He certainly Kerman University of Medical Sciences has adopted the necessary measures to control the disease.

Political and security deputy governor of Kerman, Kerman, expressing regret over the death of a 53 year old lady on Corona disease, stating: Special care should be taken to prevent the repetition of such events.

Zkaasdy warning passengers to the Persian Gulf, said that all people who wish to travel to these countries, they are advised to observe all health so there is not a trip for himself and his problem.

He pointed out that according to Kerman University of Medical Sciences have any symptoms of colds and flu symptoms, not the disease corona and people need to see a doctor in comfort.

A 53-year-old woman this morning due to illness Corona Kirmani lost their lives, and this wave of anxiety among the people of the province have created.

Six people in connection with Corona's disease were admitted in Kerman

He sisters around 130 to 140 people who have had some contact with them were assessed and collected, but not yet approved the risk of Corona in between them is absent, and look forward Answer're sampling.

Shafie said: Of course, two people close to the two sisters who had been hospitalized with respiratory symptoms in general they are good but they are not yet responded to the tests.

Deputy Director of Disease Control Kerman University of Medical Sciences said: Of course, two others suspected in Kerman corona viruses have been identified that are associated with this family, but they also have either or contact with the Pilgrim's pilgrimages have been, that the two men are also admitted.

He further said that the Kerman six suspected or diagnosed with the corona virus than any other city, but also know that there are suspicious circumstances in relation to this disease.
Corona virus remains in some areas of the province are also involved. According to health officials in Kerman disease detected in two of the sisters and the sisters have other symptoms and isolated sections are under the care.
Source: Central News
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Corona virus in Kerman was hospitalized for 6 people

Corona virus in Kerman was hospitalized for 6 people

Health> Diseases - AFP
Deputy Director of Disease in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, said: "The six people in connection with the corona virus infection in Kerman admitted their disease was confirmed in two cases and four others suspected of the disease."
Mahdi Shafiei, IRNA reported on Wednesday, December 7, said: "The disease incidence corona virus confirmed that two sisters from a family with a couple of the reviews of Hajj pilgrims who had returned with a different interface, have touched. "
Director of Disease Control, Department of Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, said: "The public are now one of the good sisters, and after a few days of admission date to discharge" he said.
He added: "But the other sister was high because of his age and chronic diseases have already been kept in the intensive care unit, and although he is not very good, but the past two days improved slightly fever of patients has been. "
According to Shafie respiratory disease caused by the corona virus cure no drug, the patient should be breathing protection measures and improving his strength and immune system also depend on the situation.
He continued: "The two sisters were taken from 140 people around the kind of relationship they have done, but not yet confirmed the corona virus infection have been reported in this population, and we are awaiting a reply laboratories on samples . "
Shafiei said two people close to the two sisters who had respiratory symptoms, were hospitalized, currently the general good, but has not yet responded to these two tests.
Shafie said the other two suspects in Kerman corona viruses have been identified that are associated with this family, but they also had contact with Hajj pilgrims or the pilgrimage had been that the two others are for admitted .
New corona virus that emerged in 2012 in Saudi Arabia, the Middle East or Mrs respiratory symptoms that may begin with mild respiratory signs, diarrhea and severe respiratory symptoms continue and the body's vital organs such as kidney failure and death can result .

Corona was a victim in Kerman

Kerman - IRNA - Chief of Medical Sciences, Kerman said corona virus was the first person in Kerman, a few days after being placed under intensive care, died Thursday.

In this regard, AA Haghdoost in an interview with IRNA said about the 53-year-old female patient was hospitalized for a few days and ill was that the do all the things to the disease, Thursday died.

He continued safety of the patient along with the disease due to chronic illness, was unable to fight the virus.

Copyright friend, a small percentage of people infected and dangerous kind of one percent of them had a bad encounter, and now there is no medication for this condition with poor physical condition.

Chief of Medical Sciences, Kerman, he died around this person have any concern about HIV transmission during burial ceremonies are not because it does not cause any problems.

He added that he was also the sister of the patient was also suffering from Corona and after a few days in the hospital, was released, there is no problem for him to communicate with those around him.

Kerman Double Corona and four suspected cases of the virus have been hospitalized individuals with an infected person died and another was improved released from the hospital.

Corona virus, common cold virus, which is part of the first cases of the virus in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf Arabic countries has been observed.

The virus can be triggered by mild respiratory signs and diarrhea to severe respiratory symptoms continue, eventually leading to admission to a hospital or person in a timely, the person may cardiac diseases visit the respiratory, Diabetes and Hypertension with, and can lead to death of people. K / 3


Iran reports 1st MERS casualty

Friday 30 May 2014
TEHRAN: A woman has died from the MERS coronavirus in Iran’s southeastern province of Kerman, Iran’s first victim, media reported Thursday.
The 53-year-old woman was one of two sisters the Health Ministry said Wednesday had tested positive for the illness.
“Despite all the efforts made by the medical staff, the patient who was infected by the coronavirus passed away,” Mohammad Mehdi Gooya, transmissible diseases unit chief, told Fars news agency.
The patient, suffered from high blood pressure and her immune system could not fight the virus, Gooya added. Gooya said the second sister was in good condition and had been discharged from hospital.
Meanwhile, Mehdi Shafiei, head of the Kerman disease prevention unit, was quoted by Mehr news agency as saying there are six other suspected cases in Kerman.

Gooya said Wednesday that Iranian authorities would test all returning pilgrims from Saudi Arabiaand that anybody displaying potential symptoms would be kept under quarantine for two weeks.
MERS is considered a deadlier but less transmissible cousin of the SARS virus.

In MERS scare, hospitals lose business to pharmacies

Many residents here are avoiding hospitals because they fear contracting the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
Waleed Al-Suhail, director general of Al-Jedaani Hospital in the Safa neighborhood, admitted that there has been a 70 percent drop in patients and visitors since the latest MERS outbreak.
However, Al-Suhail rejected rumors circulating on social networking sites and in local newspapers that some patients and staff of the hospital have been infected with the virus.
He confirmed that many Jeddah residents prefer these days to go to pharmacies because there are no crowds. Doctors have indicated that people are more likely to get the virus in crowded places.
Ahmad Abbas, a pharmacist, told Arab News that many more people have been coming to his pharmacy recently for medicines because they are afraid of going to hospitals.
“The virus is airborne and spreads through breathing in crowded places. But people make the mistake of going to pharmacies to buy their medicines. Some medicines can affect individuals negatively," he said.
A customer at a pharmacy here, Ahmad Abdul Azim, said people are afraid to go to hospitals, especially emergency rooms. “People tend to avoid crowded places such as hospitals because they don’t want to get the virus,” he said.

Abdulrahman Al-Adwani, a customer, said people are risking their lives by going to pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

8 ebola suspects freed by relatives in Sierra Leone

FREETOWN, May 27 (Xinhua) -- Some eight ebola suspects admitted at the isolation ward of the Koindu Community Health Center in the Kailahun district, east of Sierra Leone, are now at large after their relatives stormed the facility on Monday night and set them free, Health Minister Miatta Kargbo told journalists Tuesday.
"We had wanted to transfer them to the regional isolation center at the Kenema Government Hospital for further observation," she said, "but their relatives refused."
"We do not know their whereabouts as of now but an intensive search is being made to trace them to prevent them coming in contact with people. We suspect that they might have been taken across the border," she added.
"Our surveillance team reports that the relatives are claiming that the suspects needed traditional healings instead of western medicine," the minister maintained.
"I am appealing to these relatives to return them to the health authorities so they will have the necessary treatment meted out to them," the minister urged. She also reiterated that "ebola is a dangerous disease and had no cure."
She said that ministers and parliamentarians from the district have been dispatched from the capital to the affected areas to "persuade and sensitize the families of the patients on the need for them to have proper medical treatment."
"All medical resources have been propositioned throughout the country to contain any further outbreak," Minister Kargbo said.

The first suspected case of injury Pkorona in northern Sinai from Saudi Arabia

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014 - 20:55
Mustafa Singer

Medical sources in northern Sinai, on Tuesday, he "was detained old woman suspected of being infected with Corona."
The sources added that the detention of Ms. (65 years), a resident of Sheikh Zuwaid, where Corona virus symptoms suffered after its arrival from the land of Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah.
The sources pointed out that Al-Arish, "Ms. infected were isolated and subjected to ongoing severe medical observation."