
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Beware of New Type of Bird Flu Virus

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (MoH) asked that the public be aware of the death of poultry in large numbers, as well as mutations in the H5N1 bird flu virus into a new kind called clade 2.3.2. DirekturJenderalPengendalian Disease and Environmental Health (P2PL) MOH Tjandra Yoga Aditama said, a mutation in the virus Influenza can occur, as has occurred in several negara.Namun, the case now is the H5N1 bird flu virus mutated into a new form or type clade clade2.3.2. 

"Regarding the news of the death of ducks and mutation of the bird flu virus in poultry. Mutations in influenza virus could have happened, "Tjandra said in Jakarta yesterday. According to him, other than in Indonesia, the H5N1 bird flu virus mutation into clade 2.3.2 belakanganinijugadilaporkanterjadi attacking poultry in Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. So far, said Tjandra, in Indonesia itself has not been found in the case of transmission of the H5N1 bird flu virus is a new kind on manusia.Namun, it has asked to remain vigilant.

 "So far none of the infected humans in Indonesia," he said. Tjandra explained, cases of transmission of the bird flu virus is a new kind of human ever found in China, Hong Kong, and Bangladesh. As a precaution related to the spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus types 2.3.2, he claimed to have conducted a number of steps, one of which makes a circular letter addressed to all local health departments to be aware of the death of poultry in bulk, prevent, and supervise the possibility of human contact with the death of the birds. Deputy Minister of Health (Wamenkes) Mukti Ali Ghufron said, so far there has been no new reports of the discovery of bird flu cases in manusia.Kendati Thus, it remains prepared to anticipate the handling procedures of bird flu in humans, including setting up rapid response teams, and hospitals for people with bird flu. He urged the public to avoid direct contact suspected of being infected with bird flu.

 "We asked to avoid direct contact," he said. director of Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture) Pujiatmoko said it was still investigating the likelihood of the spread of avian influenza through migratory birds from outside domestic or imported through itik.Namun, Ministry of Agriculture has banned the import of ducks from a country that has not been free of bird flu since 2005 ago, such as Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand.

 "During this import from the duck area free of bird flu, "he said. As you know, hundreds of thousands of ducks in central Java duck died from the H5N1 bird flu virus types 2.3.2. In the last month, the H5N1 bird flu virus is a new kind of attack is said to have around 350,000 head itik.Kasus death on thousands of ducks occurred in West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta. In addition to including the largest category of deaths in ducks, bird flu attack time is considered more virulent than the attacks that happened before. 
plant Bird Flu Vaccine Amid the resurgence of the bird flu virus, Commission IX are different opinions regarding the production of bird flu vaccines. Committee member of the Golkar Party faction Poempida Hidayatulloh said plant construction projects bird flu vaccine should not be charged to PT Bio Farma (Persero). According to him, if the project is not intended for business or profit-oriented projects should bird flu vaccine plant restored to the Ministry of Health (MoH). 

One way could be to form a new company that deliberately created specifically to meet the needs of the community. "Let me set up a new company, for example, specifically to meet social needs, if the vaccine plant is not for business," he said. Committee Member of the PKS faction M Mantri Court affirmed, based on the information submitted by the Director of PT Bio Farma, the cost of engine maintenance plant needs approximately 50 billion per year. While on the other hand, vaccine manufacturers had no prospect bisnis.Karena recognized that, strictly it can not accept the continuation of the project if the investment cost is quite large but actually lose money.  andi setiawan 

Demand £500m back for Tamiflu, urge MPs

Ministers should demand that the pharmaceutical firm Roche returns £500 million to the NHS if it is found to have sat on trials data showing the flu drug Tamiflu to be ineffective, say MPs.

The Swiss drugs giant has been accused of withholding key data on effectiveness of Tamiflu, which the NHS stockpiled in vast quantities in 2009 to protect against the swine flu threat.
Roche claims the drug reduces the risk of developing flu-related complications including bronchitis and pneumonia.
Because vaccines cannot be made quickly enough to protect against emerging strains like swine flu - which experts initially feared was deadly - the NHS purchased millions of doses of Tamiflu.
However, over the last year scientists have begun to challenge Roche’s claims. They have regularly asked it to publish all its clinical trials into the drug - it has carried out at least 123 - but at the moment some claim 60 per cent remain unpublished.
Scientists fear Roche has cherry-picked the most favourable trials to publish - and effectively hidden the rest.
Dr Sarah Wollaston, a Conservative MP and member of the Health Select Committee, wrote the letter.
It argues: “Without this information, UK regulators and doctors cannot properly assess the clinical benefit (if any) of Tamiflu.
“It could be that the previous government spent 0.5 per cent of the entire 2009 NHS budget on a drug which the manufacturers were aware was no better than a placebo.
"Without all the clinical trial data, we cannot draw firm conclusions, but it surely cannot be right for a pharmaceutical company to receive £500 million of taxpayers’ money if it withholds information about its own products.”
The letter continues: “In the event that your committee finds Roche has deliberately concealed evidence which shows Tamiflu to be simply a placebo with side effects, you might wish to consider a recommendation that the Government seeks repayment of the £500 million cost.”
The letter is signed by five other MPs, from the three main parties.
Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Dr Wollaston said: “I’d like to see these Roche executives hauled up in front of the Public Accounts Committee and asked, ‘Where’s the data?’ “
Amazon, Starbucks and Google had been made to explain their tax avoidance schemes in front of the PAC, she said, so she could see no reason why Roche should not be subjected to similar scrutiny.
Dr Wollaston, a qualified GP, said Tamiflu was just one example of firms apparently concealing clinical trials data.
Mrs Hodge has yet to discuss the matter with other members of the Public Accounts Committee.
Roche denies it is concealing data. A spokesman said: "We stand behind the robustness and integrity of our data".
"Tamiflu is effective in reducing the severity and duration of symptoms in those infected with the flu and decreasing the risk of getting the flu," she went on, noting that these claims were supported by researchers including the Harvard School of Public Health.
She added: "Almost 80 per cent of Roche’s Tamiflu clinical data has been published as primary publications or made available to the scientific community on the web as complete Core Reports.
Of the remaining data, most come from studies that have recently been completed. Roche is working to make them publicly available."
She said: "Roche would cooperate with any requests from the Public Accounts Committee."

Bird flu outbreak, ranchers panic

..Double dosing makes the flavor of the meat especially sweet!

Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 15:01 pm
Illustration (special)
Illustration (special) - Some farmers in Malang, East Java was panicked with bird flu outbreaks in several areas.Even to anticipate the spread of the H5N1 virus to the farm, they give multiple doses of livestock poultry.Besides that, they are now beginning to routinely cleaning poultry cages. as in the chicken coop belonging Kelvin, Mendalawanwangi Village, District Wagir, Malang.Since a month ago he had given multiple vaccines to approximately 20 thousand chicken flocks. According to Kelvin, giving this vaccine to improve the immune chickens, which are not easily infected with bird flu virus.In addition, these measures will also reduce the mortality rate for chickens during the transition season to rainy season. "We have anticipated the spread of the virus by doubling the usual dose given," said Kelvin at his home, Thursday (13/12/2012). addition, every breeder cage cleaning routine use of formaldehyde as well as add chaff to keep the humidity stable. In a single harvest, the mortality rate is still normal breeder chickens which is approximately four to five percent of the total livestock.Whilst to date, the Office of farms Malang regency, East Java, not anticipate. Though bird flu outbreak has been observed in the city of Surabaya, Nganjuk, Kediri and Tulungagung.  

Traffic Poultry Start Tightened

Traffic Poultry Start Tightened

Officers burn a bird cage and its contents are contracted Bird Flu Epicenter poverty simulation held at Pandemic Influenza or Bird Flu Supplies Bataliyon Angkatan-3/Darat.Jakarta, Tuesday

TEMPO.CO , Malang  -In some areas, traffic pet fowl tightened. Government of Malang wary bird flu virus (H5N1) suspected new genes, which broke out in several areas in East Java.Moreover, the need for poultry meat of chicken and ducks is quite high. The need for chicken meat supplied from a number of areas such as East Java regency of Malang, Pasuruan and Blitar.

Simulation SMB II held at Palembang airport, yesterday

Simulation SMB II held at Palembang airport, yesterday

New Kind of Bird Flu Already Widespread in Central Java-Yogyakarta

TEMPO.CO , Bantul  -Head of the Center for Veterinary Wates Yogyakarta, Fadjar Sumping Tjatur Sense, said the spread of Avian Influenza virus Clade (gene type) 2.3.2 H5N1, which affects ducks, has penetrated 13 districts / municipalities in Central Java Province and two districts in Yogyakarta.

Fadjar not name the 13 districts / municipalities in Central Java affected suspected virus outbreak mutated H5N1 2.3.1. "In previous years, the virus that targeted thousands of chickens in Indonesia. In DIY regional reports emerged of Bantul and Kulonprogo, "he told Tempo on Wednesday, December 11, 2012. 

Fadjar said the report was the result of the latest information on the spread of the bird flu virus of unknown provenance. Other recent information, he said, came from Wonosobo.

The report says the number of chickens, which were around the cage 2.3.2 ducks infected with H5N1, died suddenly. "But we're not sure it's due to Avian Influenza or not, the sample was studied in the laboratory," he said, Thursday, December 12. 

He said his lab team also not sure the source of this new generation of avian influenza. He said, the lab who oversaw the East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta, it received reports of the death of the first duck in September 2012 Wonosobo ago.

However, it can not be an indicator to sum up the region as early contracted the virus. "It could be because there are other areas have been infected but not send the report to us," he said. 

Fadjar explained that there are three possible sources of the spread of the virus which is now also widespread in Asian countries such as China, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

He said the virus could be spread by migratory wild birds, movement of poultry imported both legally and illegally to Indonesia or genetic mutations that occur in 2.3.1 H5N1 virus (old) in some local areas of Indonesia. "The pattern of spread faster than before because now extends beyond Java and attacked tens of thousands of ducks," said Fadjar.

Health Warning As Norovirus 'Hits 750,000' in the UK

More than 750,000 people are thought to have been struck down by an outbreak of norovirus in the UK - an increase of 72%. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) says there are likely to be a further 288 unreported sufferers for every one of the 2,630 confirmed cases of norovirus so far this season. A spokesman for the HPA said the figures meant 757,440 people could be affected by the stomach bug, which causes vomiting and diarrhoea. "Laboratory co...
Read more

Bird Flu Reappears in East Java, the Task Force is maximized

Thursday, December 13, 2012
ANTARA / Nyoman Budhiana / ip

Import Ducks Not Be Closed

JAKARTA - The government will not ban imports of ducks (day old duck / DOD) and duck hatching eggs, as long as it only imports from Britain, Germany, and Malaysia, which is free from avian influenza (bird flu), although currently in the country was an outbreak of bird flu that attacked ducks (duck) in the country...

Lampung Not Find Bird Flu Patient


Thursday, December 13, 2012, 21:01 pm

 AIRPORT - A number of government and private hospitals in the region of Lampung not received and found the patient suspect bird flu caused by avian influenza, until Thursday (13/12). Lampung Health Office, monitoring the progress of the spread of avian flu in various parts of Lampung in a single 24 hours. 'If patients suspect or suspects bird flu, a one-time 24 hours must be reported to the (official) province, as not to be late.
Until now there has been no reports of the various hospitals and clinics in the area, "said Chief Medical Officer of Public Relations Lampung, dr Asih Hendrastuti to / / AP / / in Sydney, Thursday (13/12).He said all government and private hospitals is in Lampung has not received reports of the discovery of the patient the patient suspect bird flu. That is, he said, the avian influenza virus has not spread to Lampung, as has happened in Java. "Hopefully not," he hoped. Based on the observation at the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung, isolation of patients suspect bird flu still looks empty. Only hospitals that have Moeloek Abdul isolation room bird flu patients in Lampung with international standards. There appears there is activity in the isolation room. Asih said that if a patient suspect bird flu, it is definitely in reference to hospitals Abdul Moeloek, because handling bird flu patients is different from other diseases that patients can be treated in a regular room.

Depopulation, Kick-Ass Strategies Handle Bird Flu?

Thursday, December 13, 2012, 20:54 pm
Reuters / Fiqman Sunandar
  Depopulation, Kick-Ass Strategies Handle Bird Flu?
An officer of the farms do penyomprotan residents in the chicken coop to prevent the bird flu virus (H5N1).

 Tackling bird flu, called depopulation strategy to cut the spread of the virus. All birds that are within a radius of one kilometer from ducks infected with bird flu will be destroyed. while there will be no compensation given to the farmers affected by depopulation Itiknya. "There is no budget for compensation, we just do communication, provide education and information to farmers for depopulation duck," said Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture Pujiatmoko, Thursday (13/12). HIMPULI states firmly rejected this plan . Depopulation by HIMPULI will eliminate genetic resources and cause tremendous loss to the breeder. "Moreover, farmers can not be compensated," said Chairman HIMPULI, Ade Zulkarnaen, Thursday (13/12).

HIMPULI not been able to launch a number of total losses suffered if depopulation done. Because there are three types of ducks are affected to be calculated, namely laying ducks, duck meat and duck young age of 35 days. laying ducks One death is estimated at Rp. 200 thousand per head. While the death of duck meat reaches Rp 40 thousand per head. Meanwhile, one young ducks losses reach Rp 45 thousand per head. Ade also said there is no definitive count of the losses caused by the outbreak. breeders who panicked by Ade already started cutting his ducks for sale to the market. This has occurred partly in Kediri, Tulungagung, and Jepara. "They cut themselves, we can not allow," he said.

Plague Bird Flu in West Java

Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 22:14 pm
, JAKARTA - The bird flu virus recently returned endemic in some areas of West Java. As a result, thousands of ducks and chickens died suddenly belong to the community, particularly in the area of ​​Comrade Nyalindung Sukabumi district which is only 60 KM from the Bogor. 
Nyalindung is an area of ​​seven H5N1 virus endemic area in Sukabumi and also hit the district and sub-district Banyuresmi Cibiuk, Garut.
In addition, the endemic H5N1 virus occurred in Tegalbuleud, Purabaya, Cireunghas, Purabaya, Middle Jampang and Bojonggenteng. The incident was thought to have been going on since last month. "The bird flu virus is in birds, the ducks and chickens," said Ali Ghufron Mukti, Deputy Minister (Wamen), Ministry of Health (MoH), in Jakarta, Tuesday (11/12).
Initially, said Ali, ducks and chickens will not eat then limp and dead. As a result, egg production declined and farmers suffered considerable losses. "To date I have not received any reports of human casualties. Currently no human casualties," he said.
According to Ali, the Ministry of Health has formed a team of surveillance and rapid response teams. "We urge people not to make direct contact with ducks or chickens infected with bird flu," she said, adding farmers ducks and chickens should not be too anxious. 
"We will melakukaan efforts to farmers to overcome the virus attack. Namely, using drugs and separating ducks and chickens that have been affected," said Ali.
However, he said people were asked to ducks and chickens that died in order to be burned or buried so that the virus does not spread.
"We are also asking the public to keep a clean and healthy lifestyle," he said, adding MoH has also taken samples and do the testing in the laboratory to ensure there is an outbreak of bird flu that hit some parts of West Java and preventing it from spreading to other areas such as Bekasi West Java , Depok and Bogor.

Ministry Of Agriculture Instructed Subtract Duck Population

JAKARTA: The government has ordered all agencies and related associations to carry out depopulation of poultry breeding ducks following the outbreak of bird flu (avian influenza/H5N1).

Depopulation is a reduction by culling poultry population living in the territory of the outbreak of the bird flu virus with a radius of 1 km.

Director of Animal Health Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture Pujiatmoko said to prevent the spread of bird flu virus that has infected ducks some areas, the government requires immediate depopulation ducks at a local farm.

However, the government, he said, did not have the budget to compensate farmers who have didepopulasi Itiknya.

"There is no budget for compensation, we just do communication, provide education and information to farmers for depopulation duck," he said in Bird Flu Outbreak discussion Ducks, Thursday (13/12).

According to him, in order to compensate depopulation, there needs to state that the determination of duck deaths due to the virus, including disaster. Then sent to the national commission zoonosis control.Therefore, without the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture can only ask agency heads and awareness of farmers to undertake obligations depopulation after clinical trials for potential bird flu virus in ducks.

Chairman of Local Poultry Farmers Association of Indonesia (Himpuli) Ade Meirizal Zulkarnain questioned the seriousness of the response to prevent the spread of bird flu in ducks by the government. He was willing to destroy poultry breeders pessimistic without any compensation for the same breeder let business take off.

"Asking farmers to depopulation without compensation at any time by turning off our efforts. Whereas 60% of farms in Indonesia are owned rural communities with limited investment. "

Without compensation, he added, farmers likely will sell Itiknya or cut directly ducks potential bird flu virus. If this happens, then the spread of the bird flu virus will be more widespread and difficult to prevent and detect.(Arh)

This time New Bird Flu Transmitted Through Duck

TEMPO.CO , Surabaya - Head of the Laboratory of Avian Influenza Research Centre University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Prof.. Dr. drh. Chairul Anwar Nidom, declared the spread of bird flu virus through ducks and quails had happened this time. "There is no reason that the virus of bird flu subclade 2.3.2 (new) entered Indonesia through migratory birds, "he said at the Laboratory of Bio Safety Level ( BSL-3) Unair on Thursday, December 13, 2012. He also agreed that if the government react less to stop the import of ducks to control this disease. "However, if the state is used to increase duck production in the country, it could be acceptable. However, it should be consistent," he said. According to Nidom,official statements seem concerned with the economic aspects than public health aspects. The government should give full authority to quarantine centers to check the birds that are outside of Indonesia (country of origin of imported poultry) or check each incoming birds. According Nidom, the government must determine whether the new virus has the potential to infect humans. According to him, Indonesia already has sophisticated laboratories and researchers Indonesia already qualified for such research.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Indo to bump up production of human H5N1 vaccines

Bio Farma Make Bird Flu Vaccine to 5 years
Thursday, December 13, 2012,
JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma to accelerate the development of vaccines penilitan and H5N1 (bird flu vaccine) within five years of which should have been 15 years old. "We can accelerate the research and development, 15 years of which should be ready in just five years" said Production Director Bio Farma, Mahendra Suhardono.

At present Bio Farma ability to produce H5N1 vaccine for humans ranges from 5000 to 10,000 doses per year. This figure is still far from expectations that prompted the World Health Organization (WHO). Each country should at least provide H5N1 vaccine to 10 percent of its population. This means that Indonesia needs about 24 million doses of vaccine to control the spread of the bird flu virus. "The vaccine, made ​​by any manufacturer should be produced in a large scale, because the vaccine is made for everyone's health," said Dr. Akira Homma.

Developing countries vaccine manufacturers, India, Vietnam, Thailand, and Brazil, have mncapai progress in the clinical trial stage. Even the production of influenza vaccines has got perkualifikasi WHO India. According to Erin Sparrow, Technology Transfer Initiatives Project Officer, Information, Evidence and Research Who, how to prevent a pandemic is to make a vaccine to prevent the threat of the spread of H5N1 virus

Bird Flu Virus Found in Java same as the stronger strain in Nam

Dangers virus today, according to Gratitude, causing high mortality in birds than previously virus (code 2.1). When asked if this virus at high risk for humans, he states can not answer that. 

The experts, said Thanksgiving, is currently discussing the possibility of this virus in Indonesia due to mutations in genes previously or need for outside intervention. 

So far, Indonesia has imported seeds ducks from England, France, Germany and parts of Malaysia. In the case of the bird flu virus 2.3.2, the government is tightening requirements ducks imported seeds. 

..that there is no bird vaccine for .This dude is blowing a lot of smoke.. 

..Professor of the University of Udayana, I Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahardika states coded 2.3.2 new virus variant found in the duck is now almost the same as the bird flu virus in Indonesia before.  NOT

This virus, said Mahardika, not easily be transmitted from birds to humans and also not easily transmissible between humans.  NOT 

"The virus is the same. NOT
Of virus lamapun 2.1 out of time we had, I've watched the death of the duck, it's a nerve symptoms, symptoms of blindness to the eye. From the first to attack duck, especially young ducks, so nothing is different. The virus can be spread to all sorts of birds, not just the duck, the chicken but also to the other. And also is not easily transmitted from birds to humans and is not easily transmitted between humans, "said Mahrdika. IT'S H5N1 AIN'T IT??

Chairman of the Poultry Farmers Association of Local Indonesia Ade Zulkarnaen stating the current condition of the duck farmers in some areas of panic in the presence of a new virus outbreak of Avian Influenza (H5NI) new. 

According to Ade, the spread of the virus has been almost uniformly across the center of ducks from West Java, Central Java and East Java to areas along the north coast. The area worst affected due to virus attacks Avian Influenza is located in Central Java, began Starch to Bradford. ....


Malang, East Java farmers double dosing poultry

A number of farmers in Malang, East Java, providing a double dose when vaccinate poultry to prevent bird flu virus

..not sure if this is a good idea or a waste of time. I am sure it costs twice as much to do. I am betting it does nothing because there is no vaccine for what is going thru Indo, and could lead to problems later on.

Breeders Anticipation of Bird Flu, Poultry Vaccine Dose Plus

Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:57 pm pm
(Illustration, Photo: Newspaper SI)
(Illustration, Photo: Newspaper SI)
Malang - A number of farmers in Malang, East Java, providing a double dose when memaksin poultry. This is done to prevent the bird flu virus is now widespread in many cities in East Java. The farmers are now also more stringent hygiene poultry cages. Such as at a chicken farm in the village owned by Kelvin Mendalawangi, District Wagir. Since a month ago, he was given multiple doses of vaccines to 20 thousand chickens livestock. According to Kelvin, when met at his farm, Thursday (12/13/2012), giving vaccines to enhance immune chickens are not easily infected by the virus, including bird flu. Vaccination is also aimed at reducing the rate of mortality during the transition chicken dry season to rainy season.addition, Kelvin said, every morning she cleaned the cage using formalin and add chaff to keep the humidity stable. According to him, the death rate of cattle in the cage is still at normal levels , which is four to five per cent of the total chicken flock. Meanwhile, until recently, the District Veterinary Office in Malang have anticipated the field to prevent the entry of bird flu virus. Previously, cases of sudden death of poultry have been found in the city of Surabaya, Nganjuk, Kediri and Tulungagung.

The government will ban poultry imports from other countries affected by bird flu

Author: Adek Earth Flower Girls Wednesday, December 12, 2012
AFP / M General Rajasa / ip
JAKARTA - MICOM: The Government will prohibit the importation of poultry and poultry products, including animal feed from Australia, following an attack by virus outbreaks of avian influenza (H5N1) or better known as the bird flu. Currently, the government is cooking the rules on the prohibition of the importation of poultry and poultry products, including animal feed derived from Australia. "rules are being processed in the firm," said Director of Veterinary Public Health and Postharvest Directorate of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture Akhmad Junaidi in Jakarta, Wednesday (12/12).
 Akhmad said the ban on imports of poultry products include meat, poultry, eggs, poultry, and poultry feed, except eggs SPF (Special Pathogenic Free). Temporary import ban issued by the government to prevent the spread of bird flu virus in the country. According to him, over the years, Indonesia has imported birds from Australia just for the ducks and cattle feed. Meanwhile, Director General of Aquaculture Livestock Husbandry and Animal Health Luthan Fauzi said the Ministry of Agriculture, in the near future in the form of rules banning the import of the Ministry of Agriculture (Permentan) will signed by the Minister of Agriculture.
 Apart from Australia, said Fauzi, Permentan will also prohibit the importation from other countries affected by the type of virus outbreaks. "In principle, then, the existing outbreak, we forbid," said Fauzi.
 He explained, temporary bans poultry imports will end until the announcement of the World Organization for Animal Health (Office International des Epizooties / OIE), which said Australia is free from bird flu . Temporary ban will also apply to the Indonesian government believes the handling of bird flu in Australia is truly optimal. "It really is not directly related to bird flu virus in domestic ducks. That's a different problem but still we watch out because the virus is annoying and the first case, "said Fauzi.
 Attacks bird flu virus that attacked 50 thousand laying hens in Wales, Australia occurred on 22 November.Outbreak of bird flu in Australia has prompted dozens of other countries to stop importing poultry from countries, such as Japan, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, South Korea, United States, Philippines, and Singapore. 

Hundreds of Dead Birds in Jepara AI Exposed and Tetelo

Author: Akhmad Safuan Wednesday, December 12, 2012
MI / Supardji Rasban / wt
JEPARA - MICOM: Hundreds of chickens and ducks in the District Pecangaan, Jepara, Java embarrassed

Ebola Outbreak: Ministry of Health Apologizes for Slow Response

2012-12-08 09:14:54
Three people from Kakute village in Nyimbwa Sub County are admitted in the Isolation unit while 21 Ebola contacts are being monitored.

Bird Flu Still Owing Local Duck

Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 22:03 pm
, JAKARTA - The local government is expected to take immediate counseling to local duck farmers. Head of Indonesian poultry Community Federation, Don Utoyo say bird flu last November infecting only threaten local rancher and owner housing duck. "No similar cases were found in the commercial industry," she told Republika,

 Wednesday (12/12). The spread of this virus due to the absence of unforeseen regulatory oversight of duck migration.enclosures are less awake ducks cleanliness drives spread of the virus. 
Ducks can also be infected through the feed and air. Outbreaks of bird flu in recent flare even more dangerous and off compared to the previous case. Genetic changes cause the virus is harmless to be a threat to birds. "Central Revenue and Pemonitoring UPPAI (Insfluenza Avian Disease Control Unit), this cluster has evolved and happened antigenetik antigenetik drift and shift." said Chief Knowledge Society poultry Indonesia, Budi Desianto Utomo when contacted by reporters, Wednesday

Still Endemic Areas, Java Target Free 2019 Bird Flu

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Department of Animal Husbandry (Disnak) East Java (East Java) recognized a new endemic region despite bird flu disappeared in 2011

Head of Animal Health Disnak Java, DVM. Emmylia confirms resurgence of bird flu cases refocused the target Java free from bird flu in 2019. "The emergence of bird flu cases, re-create the 2019 target Java Disnak free of bird flu," he told Reuters on Wednesday (12/12). Desire, recognition is not without foundation. 
According to him, the experience of East Java in the handling of bird flu since 2006 and 2010 have made ​​Java a more integrated treatment unit. At Disnak, he explained, a task force of PDSR (Participatory Disease Surveillance Responsive) has worked quite well in the case of poultry deaths at breeders.
 PDSR officers has also increased the participation of all stakeholders including concerned citizens to report when there is a finding of bird flu cases. 

in medical treatment, Dr RS. Soetomo has a special integrated program of medical treatment of bird flu. According to the Vice Chairman of the team physician Dr RS bird flu. Soetomo, dr. Laksmi Wulandari, 

Dr RS. Soetomo already have a clear standard operating procedure in handling cases of bird flu so it makes handling patients faster. "All SOPs were already running starting from the initial installation of Ambulatory Emergency in isolation until doctors specialized handling of bird flu," he explained. drugs such as Tamiflu has also been prepared by a considerable amount, to anticipate the emergence of new suspected patients.

Poultry deaths prompt bird flu alert in Indonesia

Indonesian authorities have stepped up bird flu monitoring after thousands of poultry have died on Java island in recent months, officials said Wednesday.
A strain of the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus was believed to have caused the deaths among poultry in Jakarta and other areas, said Emil Agustiono, the head of the National Zoonosis Committee.
``We are investigating whether the source of the outbreak were imported poultry,'' he said. ``If it came from one source, it will be easier to contain.''
``We must remain vigilant and step up biosecurity to prevent its spread.''
No humans had been infected by the latest strain detected on Java, said the Health Ministry's director for disease control, Tjandra Yoga Aditama.
He said the same mutation had also been found in Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.

MIPI denies duck H5N1 virus contaminated imports

By Nur Fitri Arifenie - Wednesday, December 12, 2012

JAKARTA. Poultry Science Society of Indonesia (MIPI) states, outbreaks of bird flu or avian influenza (H5N1) that attacked ducks in Indonesia is caused by a virus that developed in Indonesia. MIPI denied, there H45N1 virus carried by ducks imported into the country.
Desianto Budi Utomo, who is also Chairman of the MIPI representative of Indonesia Tbk PT Charoen Phokpand said poultry imports to Indonesia are hygienic and only grand parent stock (GPS), parent stock (PS) and poultry that will produce chicks (day old chicken / DOC). Poultry imports came from the United States and Europe.
"That bird is from this (local poultry) are affected by the disease," said Desianto, in Jakarta, Wednesday (12/12). Desianto quibble, imports of poultry including ducks that had occurred in the category higinies alias still healthy.
According to him, the virus H5N! is a type of virus that previously unstable harmless, suddenly and can be fatal to waterfowl that were once immune to bird flu virus. Therefore, the genetic virus that changed therefore more vulnerable.
The Ministry of Agriculture issued the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health issued on 6 December. In the circular states, has been found highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1 clade 2.3 sub-clade 2.3.2.
Clade 2.3, is the first discovered in Indonesia. Ministry of Agriculture says, there are chances of it happening because there is a genetic mutation of the virus earlier shift, including the illegal importation of ducks or migratory wild birds.