..Double dosing makes the flavor of the meat especially sweet!
Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 15:01 pm

Illustration (special)
Sindonews.com - Some farmers in Malang, East Java was panicked with bird flu outbreaks in several areas.Even to anticipate the spread of the H5N1 virus to the farm, they give multiple doses of livestock poultry.Besides that, they are now beginning to routinely cleaning poultry cages. as in the chicken coop belonging Kelvin, Mendalawanwangi Village, District Wagir, Malang.Since a month ago he had given multiple vaccines to approximately 20 thousand chicken flocks. According to Kelvin, giving this vaccine to improve the immune chickens, which are not easily infected with bird flu virus.In addition, these measures will also reduce the mortality rate for chickens during the transition season to rainy season. "We have anticipated the spread of the virus by doubling the usual dose given," said Kelvin at his home, Thursday (13/12/2012). addition, every breeder cage cleaning routine use of formaldehyde as well as add chaff to keep the humidity stable. In a single harvest, the mortality rate is still normal breeder chickens which is approximately four to five percent of the total livestock.Whilst to date, the Office of farms Malang regency, East Java, not anticipate. Though bird flu outbreak has been observed in the city of Surabaya, Nganjuk, Kediri and Tulungagung.