..not sure if this is a good idea or a waste of time. I am sure it costs twice as much to do. I am betting it does nothing because there is no vaccine for what is going thru Indo, and could lead to problems later on.
Breeders Anticipation of Bird Flu, Poultry Vaccine Dose Plus
Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:57 pm pm

(Illustration, Photo: Newspaper SI)
Malang - A number of farmers in Malang, East Java, providing a double dose when memaksin poultry. This is done to prevent the bird flu virus is now widespread in many cities in East Java. The farmers are now also more stringent hygiene poultry cages. Such as at a chicken farm in the village owned by Kelvin Mendalawangi, District Wagir. Since a month ago, he was given multiple doses of vaccines to 20 thousand chickens livestock. According to Kelvin, when met at his farm, Thursday (12/13/2012), giving vaccines to enhance immune chickens are not easily infected by the virus, including bird flu. Vaccination is also aimed at reducing the rate of mortality during the transition chicken dry season to rainy season.addition, Kelvin said, every morning she cleaned the cage using formalin and add chaff to keep the humidity stable. According to him, the death rate of cattle in the cage is still at normal levels , which is four to five per cent of the total chicken flock. Meanwhile, until recently, the District Veterinary Office in Malang have anticipated the field to prevent the entry of bird flu virus. Previously, cases of sudden death of poultry have been found in the city of Surabaya, Nganjuk, Kediri and Tulungagung.