Thursday, 2/5/2013 14 o'clock | Print post write 

Variants new of virus flu poultry H7N9, outbreak at Trung Quoc in time has just through, is termites seriously threaten respect with humans. The experts belonging Health Organization world (WHO) day 1/5 has put out statement above in press conference in the capital London, Anh.
According the experts, virus flu-H7N9 is strains of virus can cause high mortality and can is the cause lead to a global pandemic. Currently, child people have ability infected with virus H7N9 from poultry, and not yet found evidence shows this virus spread from human to human. However, virus flu-H7N9 have two-style genetic mutations, thing which do increase ability spread from human to human. If this ability happen, here will is conditions causing influenza pandemic H7N9 in humans.
One house science working at Institute medical research national Anh for that virus flu H7N9 spread self due in environment live in time increasingly long then risk of it spread from person to person increasingly high. In when which, Managing Director Center research the disease about respiratory tract belonging colleges Royal London, he Peter Openshaw, for know diseases translated this're evolutions quite complex. If flu H7N9 spread widely more than, the disease outbreaks this will become downright dangerous. The experts also recorded receive that the patients infected with influenza H7N9 at any age different, thing which shows not ages any may exempt translated with strains of this flu.
According figures of WHO, at Trung Quoc calculated to now has have at least 125 ca flu infection H7N9, in which 24 person mortality.