ILUSTRASI--ANTARA/Fanny Octavianus / rjSolo: A Wirun Village residents, District Mojolaban, Sukoharjo regency, Central Java allegedly contracted the bird flu virus. bernisial MS man, 70, is now undergoing intensive treatment in a hospital isolation room Dr. Muwardi Surakarta. Relations Muwardi Hospital Dr, Eliza in his explanation, Friday (10/5), says MS entered the hospital on Wednesday (8/5). He is a patient referral from the health center Mojolaban. Prior to falling ill, MS is known to have a history of contact with chickens that died suddenly. Sukoharjo DHO stated that checks the chickens died of esophageal avian influenza (AI). "When you sign in blood leukocytes of patients is far below normal. however the origin of the examination did not reveal any pneumonia. patient's current condition is gradually improving, "said Eliza. Nevertheless, he continued, the status of MS still remains suspect AI until the results of laboratory tests and throat swap out. During the wait for the test results came out MS will still be dealt with procedures for handling bird flu patients."For patients was stated suspect, all medical expenses will be borne by the state," he added. One of the relatives of MS, Trismiyati said before falling ill MS really had burn and burying dozens of pet chickens that died suddenly.
A few days later his MS complain of fever and taken to the health center Mojolaban family, and finally at the hospital refer to Dr. Muwardi. http://www.metrotvnews.com/metronews/read/2013/05/10/3/152700/-Seorang-Warga-Sukoharjo-Diduga-Terjangkit-Flu-Burung
A few days later his MS complain of fever and taken to the health center Mojolaban family, and finally at the hospital refer to Dr. Muwardi. http://www.metrotvnews.com/metronews/read/2013/05/10/3/152700/-Seorang-Warga-Sukoharjo-Diduga-Terjangkit-Flu-Burung