Damietta" Denying the Chinese bird flu outbreak maintain
Mon 29 / April / 2013 - 02:12 PM

Denied Dr. Hamdy Hawass, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Damietta, the existence of any new type of flu virus bird conservation. said he was "not the health of the rumors about the existence of a new type called avian influenza Chinese, "noting that the province of Damietta completely free of disease bird flu . It For his part, Dr. Hamid Zaqzouq, Under hospital fevers Damietta, to maintain completely free of disease bird flu , and said that "cases that have reached the hospital fevers Damietta, all of which were negative and non-carriers of the disease, did not witness this year, any outbreak of the disease so far. "http://www.vetogate.com/298090#.UX6HNrVwe8A