
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mystery disease is not much of a mystery

Nope. Now it's all good. So it is 3 different diseases, all treated too late or with steroids..
Judging from recent reports, many countries are stringently checking their borders for any sign of a disease that is probably already in their country, namely HFMD..or Dengue Fever..or Strep Suis..

So far Thes countries are checking the borders for sick people from Cambodia. The W.H.O. is about to tell them that is unneccesary some time today. I heard it from CNN.
They didn't tell you what the other countries are doing.




Phillipines  Tight watch against enterovirus

China The usual


Most of these countries are calling it a strain from Cambodia that they are worried about. Soon I guess, they will say it's regular old HFMD with a few cases of EV71 thrown in and some dengue or pig strep on steroids. I can't help but to think back a couple days where the guy said it was a "Perfect Explanation" for what is happening.

All reports are from the same CNN story, Nothing from the WHO or any other gov't entity. Last nights report from Sanjay said that the Cambodia ministry of health were handling field reports and were not working hand in hand with the WHO. Less than 8 hrs later it is all a big misunderstanding. Just run of the mill diseases on steroids. 0 Maybe the dr was right when he said that the WHO jumped the gun on this, as they overlook the Dengue cases right in front of them. Hopefully that is all it is, cause it is what they are gonna tell us. Oh yeah, it is not contageous..imagine that.,-cambodia-says-on-virus