The Ministry of Agriculture has set up checkpoints on
roads animal health near Tepatitlan, Jalisco. Photo: AFP
July 5, 2012Isaura Lopez / The West
Guadalajara, Jal. - Although the H7N3 avian influenza outbreak is controlled in poultry farms and Acatic Tepatitlán in Los Altos de Jalisco continues quarantine is prohibited entry and exit of laying hens live and derivatives except with certificate healing.
The call to the producers of the region to maintain vigilance and report quickly any symptoms in animals and maintain biosecurity measures in their production units.
Control is maintained at 40 and 60 miles of farms identified with virus, for surveillance work incorporated the Federal Preventive Police to prevent the movement of sick animals in the municipalities was set up a cordon sanitaire.
The National Health Service, Food Safety and Food Quality (SENASICA) argues that the virus is identified in laying hens and broiler production focused on poultry meat and eggs...http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldemexico/notas/n2606505.htm
July 5, 2012Isaura Lopez / The West
Guadalajara, Jal. - Although the H7N3 avian influenza outbreak is controlled in poultry farms and Acatic Tepatitlán in Los Altos de Jalisco continues quarantine is prohibited entry and exit of laying hens live and derivatives except with certificate healing.
The call to the producers of the region to maintain vigilance and report quickly any symptoms in animals and maintain biosecurity measures in their production units.
Control is maintained at 40 and 60 miles of farms identified with virus, for surveillance work incorporated the Federal Preventive Police to prevent the movement of sick animals in the municipalities was set up a cordon sanitaire.
The National Health Service, Food Safety and Food Quality (SENASICA) argues that the virus is identified in laying hens and broiler production focused on poultry meat and eggs...http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldemexico/notas/n2606505.htm