PRRS vaccination for pigs (Photo: KT)
Two weeks, both countries continue to record 3 more provinces appear PRRS including Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Ha Noi.
. Recently, while avian influenza, foot and mouth disease in cattle, which are controlled then continue PRRS complicated and no signs of stopping.
Experts warned that local control was lax transport of cattle disease and not actively deployed drastic measures against the epidemic, the risk of PRRS will spread widely in the Red Hong Kong and Southeast.
To support the local epidemic, to date, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has provided nearly 300,000 doses of vaccine for the local green ear, and their officials to grassroots direct anti-epidemic work.
Speaking at the Steering Committee meeting to prevent bird flu, which took place afternoon 26/6 in Hanoi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Diep Kinh Tan asked cities and provinces including Bac Lieu, Bac Ninh, Dong Nai, Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Dien Bien, Hanoi and Binh Duong
to implement drastic measures to fight against epidemics, organized vaccination drive enclosure services; assign responsibilities to local authorities managed outbreak or temporarily banned transport of pigs, pig products in the district service, regularly organized environmental disinfection, not to offer spread.
Deputy Minister Diep Kinh Tan also suggested the police force, market management and coordination with veterinary organizations to crack the "recruiter" purchase swine and pork products smuggled across the border to prevent widespread epidemic. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=vi&tl=en&u=http://www.vietlinh.vn/lobby/agriculture_livestock_news_show.asp%3FID%3D5165&usg=ALkJrhgzVWzdnVOVLeUclLSoEGoBSk-NnQ