Une souche moins virulente qu'en Ouganda A less virulent strain in Uganda

 DRC is struck by the virus Bundibungyo theoretically less virulent, while in a neighboring region of western Uganda, this is a strain that has plagued Sudan.  Monday, the WHO announced that the epidemic in Uganda, where 17 people died, was nearing its end.

 Two outbreaks of epidemic

 In the DRC, the epidemic broke out in mid-August in the Eastern Province (northeast): nine dead were then recorded, almost all in the town of Isiro on 11 cases. Au 3 septembre, 28 cas ont été enregistrés, dont huit cas confirmés en laboratoire, six cas probables, 14 cas suspects. September 3, 28 cases have been recorded, including eight laboratory confirmed cases, six probable cases, 14 suspected cases.  In total, there were 14 deaths. "Epidemic seems to have its epicenter in the town of Isiro, with a secondary focus in the town of Viadana", located about 70km Isiro said Dr. Léodegal Bazira.

 Three times more cases in two weeks

. The doctor refuses to be alarmist, even if the number of cases has tripled in two weeks: "I personally would not call the situation catastrophic but I would call serious and can escalate if it is not quickly taken into account properly.  The Ministry of Health, WHO, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC-Atlanta) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are working closely to fight against the disease.

 No cure, no vaccine

. Ebola, which the DRC has experienced eight epidemics, killing between 25 and 90% of patients, according to WHO. In 1995, his strain "Zaire", the most virulent, had more than 350 victims in Bandundu (west). A ce jour, il n'existe ni traitement ni vaccin. To date, there is no treatment or vaccine.

. The disease is transmitted by direct contact with blood, bodily fluids (sweat, feces ...), by sex and by the mishandling of corpses contaminated. . It is characterized by fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and bleeding gums.  http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rtl.be%2Finfo%2Fmonde%2Finternational%2F905039%2Fl-ebola-se-repand-au-congo-ca-peut-rapidement-constituer-une-urgence-de-portee-mondiale-