
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Breeder refuses culling within 1 Km of outbreaks

Breeder refused culling

Behaviour of virus hints at pattern of spread


A new study reveals that the new SARS-like virus which has been causing infections in the Middle East behaves unusually in laboratory testing.
The unexpected behaviour of the virus may help to explain the pattern of spread of the cases so far, says senior author Christian Drosten, a leading coronavirus expert.
In essence, the new coronavirus is promiscuous, a term the virologists who authored the study use to describe the fact that it will grow in a variety of different types of animal cells, including cells from people, pigs and several species of bats.
That is not true for other known coronaviruses, which typically only grow in cells from the species they infect, says Drosten, who is the director of the institute of virology at the University of Bonn Medical Center, in Bonn, Germany.
Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier agrees that the finding is surprising.
"This is certainly unusual for a (corona)virus to have such a broad cellular host range," says Fouchier, a senior scientist with Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. Fouchier is also an author of the paper.
It is known to have infected at least nine people from April onward, with cases recorded in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Five of the infected people have died.

WHO's Dr. Margaret Chan to Speak on Containing Contagion in a Wired World

One of the inevitable risks of globalization is the spread of infectious diseases across countries and borders. In 2003, an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) gripped Hong Kong and spread worldwide, killing 774 people. Epidemiologists traced the SARS coronavirus to Chinese bats, where the virus mutated, evolved and crossed the xenographic barrier onto human beings. In 2005, a strain of H5N1 avian influenza, affected a variety of fowl across Southeast Asia. That virus in turn mutated and crossed over onto human hosts at an alarming scale, causing near-hysteria over the Tamiflu vaccine and even inspiring a 2006 song from the rapper M.I.A, "Bird Flu," about the discontents of globalization.

Next Thursday, December 20, Asia Society Hong Kong Center welcomes Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization. Dr. Chan's talk, evocatively titled "Hot Spots in a Wired World," will address the dangers of infectious diseases in our increasingly interconnected environment. With the rise of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and various adaptable and virulent pathogens from animal vectors, we might very well be in the post-antibiotic era. 
Steven Soderbergh's 2011 thrillerContagion depicted with brutal clarity the havoc and pandemonium a deadly zoonotic infection can cause. Science writer David Quammen, who gave a talk at Asia Society's center in Houston last month on his book Spillover, also addressed the urgent need to prepare for the spread of these diseases. It's easy to forget at times that the Ebola virus and AIDS both arose from animal hosts.
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, the first key steps to curtailing a global pandemic are simple, straightforward health and hygiene measures that we might take for granted: washing our hands, food safety precautions, and being vigilant when we come into contact with certain animals. As more and more people travel, these measures will no longer be just a useful suggestion for our well-being, but a vital, unavoidable part of how we live our lives and ensure the health of those around us.
Video: Trailer for Steven Soderbergh's 2011 film Contagion (2 min., 29 sec.)


ChannelNewsAsia, Agence France-Press (AFP) report [edited]

Indonesia has identified the bird flu [avian A/(H5N1)] virus that killed hundreds of thousands of ducks in recent weeks as a more virulent type which is new to the country, according to a letter seen Tuesday [11 Dec 2012].

"We found a highly pathogenic avian influenza sub-type H5N1 (virus) with clade 2.3..." the agriculture ministry's veterinary chief Syukur Iwantoro said in the letter obtained by AFP.

"This clade is a new clade found for the 1st time in Indonesia, that is very different to the avian influenza found before, which is clade 2.1." A clade is a group of organisms, usually species, with a common ancestor.

A poultry breeders' association had reported the death of more than 300 000 ducks in several provinces on Java Island since November [2012] to the ministry.

The veterinary office found the H5N1 virus involved was a different clade to that usually found in Indonesia, said Iwantoro's letter to local government offices and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Iwantoro called for further research into whether there had been a genetic shift in the virus previously found in the country, or whether the new strain originated overseas.

"There is a suspicion that the virus has spread from other countries, possibly from Viet Nam or Thailand," Emil Agustiono, secretary of the national commission of zoonosis control that oversees bird flu, told AFP.

Health officials have told local governments to stop and check motorbikes and pick-up trucks commonly used to transport poultry, to try to reduce the spread of the virus.

The health ministry has told local offices to be vigilant for more massive poultry deaths, or for deaths of people in the vicinity, its head of communicable disease Tjandra Yoga Aditama told AFP.

Bird flu typically spreads from birds to humans through direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form that is easily transmissible between humans.

Indonesia has suffered the world's worst human fatalities from bird flu with 159 deaths since 2003 out of 359 worldwide, according to the WHO.


Communicated by:




Date: Mon 10 Dec 2012

Source: FluTrackers [summ., edited]

Hundreds of thousands of ducks have died in several regions from a bird flu strain recently discovered in Indonesia.

Director of Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture, told Radio Australia that the Ministry has detected the presence of a new type derived from bird flu since last September [2012].

The Ministry of Agriculture said the bird flu virus is a newly discovered variant of the H5N1 strain.

It was said that the new clade 2.3.2. could have mutated from the previous strains. New types of bird flu in Indonesia are expected because of the bird flu virus mutation; this is under detailed research.

Another possibility is that the new clade has been introduced from outside by migratory birds such as wild ducks and/or by poultry imports from abroad.

For the prevention of the spread, the Ministry has instructed destruction of affected birds and advised Local Government to instruct farmers to refrain from keeping ducks with other bird species.

"We will also coordinate with the Ministry of Health about the findings, in relation to the significance of the new type of AI [avian influenza] concerning public health," said Pujiatmoko.

So far there have been no reports of a new type strain of bird flu in humans in Indonesia.

This type of bird flu virus has previously been found in India, Viet Nam and China.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association of Local Poultry has reported more than 300 thousand ducks died last week [week of 3 Dec 2012].

Deaths of ducks have recently been discovered in 4 provinces of the island of Java, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta.

Researchers of avian influenza from Airlangga University, Surabaya are engaged in the research related to these new findings, especially the role of ducks as reservoirs.

[Byline: Laban Laisila, Iffah Nur Arifah]

[The original report is from Radio Australia (in Indonesian, machine translated)]


Communicated by:

Gert van der Hoek

Senior Moderator


[As of 9 Dec 2012, a total of 191 human cases of H5N1 have been reported by Indonesia since the start of the local epizootic there in 2005, of which 159 patients have, reportedly, died. During 2012, 8 cases have been reported, all of whom died. Indonesia ranks first globally, followed by Egypt (168 cases including 60 deaths) and Viet Nam (123 cases including 61 deaths).

Worldwide, 608 human cases have been reported since the start of the panzootic (initially, in 2003, in China and Viet Nam), of which 359 have reportedly died.

For the evolution of the Asian H5 hemagglutinin, see WHO's conceptual diagram of ongoing H5N1 evolution at Also, see commentary by Mod.CP in ProMED-mail archive no 20111024.3168.

HPAI H5N1 was declared by Indonesia as an endemic disease on 21 Sep 2011; since then, no follow-up reports were required and have not been submitted. A change in the pathogenicity/epidemiology of the causative agent may require its immediate notification to the OIE. - Mod.AS

A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at:]

Merapi chickens died mysteriously

Dozens of residents slopes of Merapi chickens died mysteriously
Dozens of residents slopes of Merapi chickens died mysteriously
Dozens of chickens owned by residents around the slopes of Merapi, in Srumbung district, Magelang regency, Central Java, died suddenly in the last five days.

Chickens in three farms owned by three residents that Heru Prasetyo (40), Mbah Hardjo Saripin and Mbok Trimo. The number of chickens that died suddenly it reaches 50 to 60 head.

"Starting Sunday (8/12) through Thursday (13/12). Initially I was not worried but why in the past five days of the death of chicken in strange condition. At the head of the cock and anal blue looks very clear," said Heru Prasetyo (40) to, Thursday (13/12)...

HUH ,Wonder what killed em.. 

Sespa announces award of examinations of hospital employees Curuçá

According to tests, servers experienced an infection chemistry. 
Secretary of Health ensures that there is no possibility of transmission.

The State Department of Public Health (Sespa) announced on Thursday (13) the results of tests performed in the municipal hospital officials Curuçá in northeast Pará.According to the official report, they had a chemical poisoning.
According to the examinations made by Sespa, the possibility of infection was discarded either by virus, fungus or bacterium. Thirty-two patients underwent blood tests, stool and urine in last November. The result of the tests, made by Instituto Evandro Chagas and the Central Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), indicated the presence of ammonium thiocyanate in the body of patients, which, according to Sespa, indicates a condition of intoxication chemistry.
"The hospital staff of Curuçá had contact with a chemical, which was has expired and he was content with leaking the bottle. Furthermore, [the officials] were in a room administrative inadequate, with administrative roles where staff used these papers to routine use of labor, "explains the infecciologista Sespa, Helena Drive.
The state secretary of health, Helio Franco, also ensures that there is no possibility of transmitting intoxication.
  •  Since the end of November, the county hospital servers and relatives of employees showed symptoms such as body aches, eye irritation, bleeding, and tiredness. The Sespa recognized the severity of the patient's symptoms and said that everyone will receive treatment.
"There is an antidote, where we will begin the administration of these drugs, so that they become available for use by patients, but there is no need for all patients taking the medication.They will be evaluated by a rigorous criterion for the good of all of them, "says the infecciologista Helena.
Also according to the Sespa, the hospital reopened Curuçá on Thursday (13), but a team of the secretariat remains in the county to do a reassessment of the physical structure of the building.All 32 employees who had already contracted the intoxication high.
Understand the case
On 26 November, a report by Liberal TV showed that two servers Hospital Curuçá were already hospitalized and another 10 have had symptoms such as body aches, eye irritation and malaise. They complained that they felt ill after contact with a chemical used in x-ray machines.The Health Department of the State dismissed the suspicion of contamination by radioactive material.
There are reports that the material used for x-rays would have spilled in a room, there was a cleaning with a damp cloth and even that would have been used in other wards of the hospital."This product is very important, it contains thiosulphate and thiocyanate ammonia etchant, toxic.He may have caused this respiratory and hemorrhagic, "explains infectious Helena Brígido.
Three days later, five nursing techniques Hospital Curuçá to Bethlehem were taking blood samples. Investigations pointed to the possibility of contamination by viruses, among them the H1N1. The test results have not yet been disclosed.
On Friday (30), the picture of some patients worsened. Two patients were transferred to Bethlehem One felt a lot of pain and was another stunted fingers and said he could not feel his legs. On Sunday, a relative of one of these patients reported that he received the medical information of the two had already made improvements.

Brazil- victims of poisoning by ammonium thiocyanate

Exams  dismiss  infection  by  viruses,  bacteria  or  fungi  in  patients  Curuçá

Alessandra Serrao / Ag.  Para
The Health Secretary, Helio Franco, said tests in patients Curuçá ruled out infection by viruses, bacteria or fungus

    Writing the News Agency of Pará Updated 13/12/2012 at 14:25

    The Secretary of State for Public Health, Helio Franco, reported on Thursday, 13, at a news conference that the servers and patients of the Hospital Municipal Curuçá were victims of poisoning by ammonium thiocyanate, a chemical component of the fixer radiography, which damaged packaging allowed the liquid leaked and spread by the hospital environment. Helio explained that inadequate cleaning of the environment, using bleach and alcohol caused the substance to become volatile and be inhaled by people in the hospital.
    With test results in hand, Helio Franco said is totally ruled out infection by viruses, bacteria or fungus. Tests on samples of blood and urine of patients were performed by the Central Laboratory of the State (Lacen), Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC) and another lab outside the state. "It is not virus, not fungus, not bacteria," emphasized Helio Franco. "This is an episode restricted to hospital and there is no risk of transmission from one person to another," he said.
    According Helio Franco, normal is that the human organism load up 4mg/litro ammonium thiocyanate. Among smokers, the rate doubles up.However, people are not affected in Curuçá smokers and some had high rates of substance, varying according to the time of exposure to the chemical.
    It was also informed by the clerk that the patient's death Jhenyffer Roberta Abreu dos Passos, held at the Santa Casa de Misericordia of Pará, has no relation to the case of Curuçá, although she spent there.According to report of the Center for Scientific Skills Renato Chaves, she died of generalized infection, which began with a urinary tract infection, which is common in pregnant women, but can affect the kidneys if not treated appropriately. An examination of the IEC also pointed out that it was dengue.
    About the victims of intoxication, Helio Franco said they will continue to be monitored and receiving all the support Sespa. "It is important that they are monitored their kidney function, liver and respiratory diseases," he said. The infectious disease doctor and epidemiologist Helen Brigido, the Sespa, explained that the human body thiocyanate ammonia turns into cyanide, and removes iron from hemoglobin, impairing their function oxygenation of the body, which explains the symptoms like shortness of breath , vaginal bleeding and Digestive and tingling in hands and feet.
    The antidote of thiocyanate is an injectable drug called Hidroxocobalina."The drug binds to cyanide, which prevents it from attaching and remove iron from hemoglobin and is eliminated in the urine," said Helena. The drug is only used in part of the 32 patients affected by intoxication, especially in those with higher levels of thiocyanate. Those with low rates are eliminating the substance in the urine.
    Initially, as the doctor, patients will be treated with the drug for ten days and will be reassessed on whether or not to continue treatment, since it can also produce side effects. Helena said, finally, that these people should remain under the control and monitoring interdicted by time, to reduce the risk of pulmonary and neurologic sequelae.
    The secretary Helio Franco said the Municipal Hospital Curuçá was sanitized by a specialized company and will be reopened from this Thursday, with support from Sespa, who provided some equipment, medicines and supplies to improve the service. He said the hospital needs to be reclassified, because its structure is out of the current technical standards of the Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA).
    The Health Secretary took the opportunity to advise people to avoid making cleaning environments, including home, using different chemicals, it is not known which can result in a mixture of these substances. He suggests that they be used only soap and water and that the environments are kept fresh. "It's always good to let the wind and sun come in, because in dry environment, the bacteria die," he said.
    Franco warned, though, about the care that health professionals should take with chemicals and the proper disposal of these products as well as medicines and hospital supplies. It is therefore important that all hospitals have committees Infection Control. "If the case had been Curuçá immediately reported to the Health Surveillance, the consequences would have been lower," he noted.

    Bird Flu Spreading

    Bird Flu Spreading Loss Rp1, 28 trillion
    ANTARA / Nyoman Budhiana / rj