According to tests, servers experienced an infection chemistry.
Secretary of Health ensures that there is no possibility of transmission.

The State Department of Public Health (Sespa) announced on Thursday (13) the results of tests performed in the municipal hospital officials Curuçá in northeast Pará.According to the official report, they had a chemical poisoning.
According to the examinations made by Sespa, the possibility of infection was discarded either by virus, fungus or bacterium. Thirty-two patients underwent blood tests, stool and urine in last November. The result of the tests, made by Instituto Evandro Chagas and the Central Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), indicated the presence of ammonium thiocyanate in the body of patients, which, according to Sespa, indicates a condition of intoxication chemistry.
"The hospital staff of Curuçá had contact with a chemical, which was has expired and he was content with leaking the bottle. Furthermore, [the officials] were in a room administrative inadequate, with administrative roles where staff used these papers to routine use of labor, "explains the infecciologista Sespa, Helena Drive.
The state secretary of health, Helio Franco, also ensures that there is no possibility of transmitting intoxication.
"There is an antidote, where we will begin the administration of these drugs, so that they become available for use by patients, but there is no need for all patients taking the medication.They will be evaluated by a rigorous criterion for the good of all of them, "says the infecciologista Helena.
Also according to the Sespa, the hospital reopened Curuçá on Thursday (13), but a team of the secretariat remains in the county to do a reassessment of the physical structure of the building.All 32 employees who had already contracted the intoxication high.
Understand the case
On 26 November, a report by Liberal TV showed that two servers Hospital Curuçá were already hospitalized and another 10 have had symptoms such as body aches, eye irritation and malaise. They complained that they felt ill after contact with a chemical used in x-ray machines.The Health Department of the State dismissed the suspicion of contamination by radioactive material.
On 26 November, a report by Liberal TV showed that two servers Hospital Curuçá were already hospitalized and another 10 have had symptoms such as body aches, eye irritation and malaise. They complained that they felt ill after contact with a chemical used in x-ray machines.The Health Department of the State dismissed the suspicion of contamination by radioactive material.
There are reports that the material used for x-rays would have spilled in a room, there was a cleaning with a damp cloth and even that would have been used in other wards of the hospital."This product is very important, it contains thiosulphate and thiocyanate ammonia etchant, toxic.He may have caused this respiratory and hemorrhagic, "explains infectious Helena Brígido.
Three days later, five nursing techniques Hospital Curuçá to Bethlehem were taking blood samples. Investigations pointed to the possibility of contamination by viruses, among them the H1N1. The test results have not yet been disclosed.
On Friday (30), the picture of some patients worsened. Two patients were transferred to Bethlehem One felt a lot of pain and was another stunted fingers and said he could not feel his legs. On Sunday, a relative of one of these patients reported that he received the medical information of the two had already made improvements.